IUI at Raffles Hospital?

Hi Koala,

i had the lap done last wed so now on 2 weeks mc. i don't find it very painful leh. just a bit sore. did at mt alvernia. the doc also found mild endo and remove it.

i also threw up after the lap but the vomiting should stop the next day. after 3 days u will be back to normal. dun worry.

oh u did IUI before lap? my gynae say no point in case your tubes are blocked or if there are other complications. tats why i opted to do lap first.

actually mild endo quite hard to be detected thru scan, its really a blessing in disguise for us to go thru lap & remove it during the lap

angel, if ur tubes are blocked, its not viable to do IUI
Sunnie,i'm in my 2ww now.pray hard that AF dun come!very stressed up!

gd luck to all of you! jia you! jia you!
Winnie, you're right.. its lucky to have discovered it early and have it removed now than later. Feeling really bored at home, had to rent korean drama series to pass time

Ronnie, good luck!
Ronniemini> Relax.. stress is no good for tcc. I help to sweep AF away . ;-)

Koala> Hope you are feeling better now. haha... Hope i am home too. Feeling so sleepy recently.

Don't know why, my AF came very late this month. My normal cycle is 26-27 days. This month, it came at day 30.

Winniepooh> R u going to delivery at Raffles after your ivf? I read from another thread that one lady delivery cost about $9K for everything. Wow.. that is expensive right?
angstraw> welcome welcome... some of us had gone through IUI before. Heehee.. can share if you have any queries. But like winniepooh mentioned, no point going through IUI if one have blocked tubes. One of my friend had one side blocked and gynae said chances are decreased by 50% if wanting to conceive naturally.
Sunnie-->ya,i noe i shouldn't be so stressed up!i will try my best to relax.

is it true that during ovulation,you will feel cramps?
sunnie, I'm going to raffles for ivf but might go back to my gynae at tmc during 2nd trimester, but if so heng I tio twins pregnancy I'll stay put at raffles cos Dr Loh can handle better

ronniemini, I'll feel cramps during ovulation, some might experience cramp some might not, most accurate way to detect ovulation is to use ovulation stip
ronniemini, I'm seeing Dr Loh next mth, most likely will only start after cny, wanna enjoy before I start suffering with those endless jabs & med
good luck winniepooh.

jia you! jia you! pray hard that we will all strike!

regardless of iui,ivf,it's all a very stressful procedure!jia you!
Ronniemini> I am those "some" that do not get cramps on my ovulations.

Winniepooh> Thanks for your advise. I will ask more when the time comes.
Hi Kola, I oso tried to PM u but oso can't... thk u need to edit @ ur profile to accept private msg...

HOw'r u.... hope u r getting well...
Hi Rily, its ok now... already emailed you so don't need to PM anymore.

Winnie, may I know how long is your MC? Cos mine is for 8 days but I still find it painful to sit or walk normally. I also found out that one of my aunty had lap and was given 1 month MC.
Hi Koala,

last x my lap, doc gave me 3wks MC.... most impt is not to carry heavy things and rest more...
koala, I din request for MC cos I can work from home, mine from 4th day onwards not much pain, can even go out for makan, now I'm quite carefree, walk, sit, sleep all very normal liao
Dear Winnie and Koala,

I am going back to work tomorrow. sob sob. Actually i kind of enjoyed the break.

my lap results are fine no bloackage but got a cyst. but that is removed. so the gynae told me that i am near to "normal".

my gynae told me and my hubby to go away and try for the next 4 months naturally and see whether can conceive.

if not then we need to go back and see him again.

anyway,, all the bestest of luck to all of you!!
Winnie, there is still redness in my top wound so doc gave me some antibiotic cream to apply after shower every day.. could be due to my sensitive skin. Now I walk like an old aunty haahaa cos the gauze is quite thick.

Anglstraw, my results are similar to yours. My doc also told me to try naturally for the next 3-4mths. Let's relax and hope everything will be smooth smooth for all of us.

Hope to hear good news amongst us soon. Yey yey!!
angel, cannot carry things after lap cos scare that u might tear ur wound, external might look ok, but u won't know the damages done internally

koala, my dressing is quite thin until I went pharmacy to get thicker dressing
Hi ladies,

Everything had been so quiet. Everyone is doing fine? Hope you ladies who did the lap is recovering well. ;-)

ronniemini> You are the only one doing IUI, any good news?

**sigh** I am feeling so tired recently. Eyes wanting to close by 10pm.
I'm recovery very well, but my rashes of all places attack my tummy area quite badly, I went national skin center to get cream & med to control the itch, I'm going to stop the jab for my endo condition cos I cannot cope with the mood swing

I just ended a 1 week cold war with my hubby last mon, then call up the clinic & told my gynae I wan to stop the jab, she say she wanna see me to discuss, I'm seeing her tomorrow morning to see how things proceed from there
Hi Winniepooh> ohh... I hate rashes too. I was told sometimes itch is due to skin being too dry too. Must apply more creams.

What a coincidance, had a WW3 with DB for 3 days. Just ended yesterday... haha. Hope stopping the jab will not affect anything much. Is the doctor offering alternatives?
hi sunnie, I read up so much on the web it says for mild endo no need to be on medication, I saw my gynae this morning & she agree to let me stop the jab, instead of ivf I'm going for SO-IUI first, now got alternatives I'm much happier, will start the program after cny
Hi Winniepooh> Good for you ;-). I heard it is a simplier and less costly compared to IVF. Unfortunately, I have to stick with IVF.

Err.. what is is SO-IUI. What is the procedure like?

Ronniemini> Sorry to hear about it. ARe you going to try again with IUI? Or maybe better chance next month? Must continue to try okay?
SO-IUI is a lot simplier compared with IVF, cost around $2K. SO-IUI have to jab for 5 days then go back for scan, if eggs not growing well, have to jab for a few more days, then hubby have to produce sample then they'll spin & take the most active ones & insert directly to the uterus, after that will enter 2ww.

IVF u'll jab for 10 days then they'll retrieve ur eggs out and fertilise, after that they'll transfer back & u may need more jabs or med to support the lining & embryo

although SO-IUI success rate no that good, but my gynae scared that IVF is way too stressful for my body & the thoughts of jabs really freak me out

my gynae did mention that very few ppl strike on first attempt, normally ppl will strike on 2nd or 3rd attempt
Hi Winniepooh> SO-IUI is similar to IUI only that jabs are needed. So when will your procedure be starting?

Ya.. I heard of sucess stories of striking on the first attempt too. Hope I am one of them. Too expensive and stressful.. haha...
hi sunnie, actually IUI only need to take clomid, no jabs needed. SO-IUI is a combination of both jabs + clomid, my previous attempts with clomid make me puke till no tomorrow from day 20 till my menses arrive, so my gynae say just jab will do

I also hope to strike on first attempt & have a smooth 40 weeks pregnancy to end all my stress & misery
Hi ladies,i intend to try one more round of iui.if it still not sucessful,i tik i may not want to cont.it's reali very very depressing!esp that doc always says my eggs r growing very well.but,still nothing in the end.i find it very stressed!
ronniemini, dun stress, yesterday my mil broke the news that my hubby's cousin is 3 mths pregnant, felt sad for a while but now thinking back I should be happier, cos hubby & I get to spend more quality time together, once bb arrive, no more personal time for us, I'm already mentally prepared that during cny relatives from hubby's side sure bombard us, they better not irritate us if not I sure shoot & say I'm not a mother hen that lay eggs anytime
Hi ladies,

Been so busy that no time to log in.

Winniepooh>I agree with you. There will be no more holiday when you get pregnant or have baby. Better go now and enjoy couple life ;-). haha....

Ronniemini> Jia you... hope you strike this time round. Remember no stress... relax.

For me, I just finished my 10 days of stressful jabs. Going to the doc tomorrow and hopefully will be retriving my eggs on monday. Pray for me ;-). Hope I will be successful this time.
Thank you ladies.

Winniepooh> I am doing my ivf. Egg retrival had been changed to Wed now. Hehe... a bit gan cheong

Ronniemini> ya... you update us too okay... good luck to all
sunnie, remember to relax tomorrow!! I'm now just waiting to start my so-iui in feb or march, praying hard that I may get preggy even before I can kick start the program
Hi ladies, i am finally awake. After the mini op yesterday, i feel so tired and almost slept the whole day.

After i went through ivf, I hope I will not need to go through it again.... and none of you need to go through it to get pregnant. haha.. still the natural way is the best.

Ronniemini> you will know your reseult next week right? Good luck okay?

Winniepooh> You must work harder in BD... and hope to hear good news from you too this year.
Hi Ladies,
Would like to check which doctor is at which hospital cos I'm kind of confused from the thread. Can IUI/SO-IUI be performed by a normal gynae or must be someone trained in fertility treatment?

