Feeling sick


New Member
Hi I am at week 6 and I have been feeling sick in the stomach for 1.5 weeks. I have not vomited but feel nauseous. Because my stomach feels sick I look for food to eat every hour. I can eat but not much. But after an hour my stomach will feel sick again. I have not cravings. There was one night I ate abit of chai teow kueh at 10pm but at abt 1130pm I had waves of sharp pain in my stomach. I guess it is gastric. I dunno how much longer can I tolerate this. Feeling miserable and depressed. Cannot even concentrate on my work at all.

Hihi! I’m 6 weeks too and feel almost exactly the same way as you. No throwing up but nauseous al day long. It’s really awful :(
Is there anything that can help? I am feeling like shit also everyday every min I am awake. Dunno how long more I can take it. I wanna breakdown already
So far nth is making me feel better. Any food cravings that I have can be gone in the next min. And I’ll feel hungry but with zero appetite. I can’t seem to focus on anything as well. I totally get what you mean, the moment I’m awake I feel awful. And I’ve been having so much long and vivid dreams everyday I hardly feel like I’m getting proper sleep
I'm also around 6 weeks, first time pregnant and feeling this way since the weekend. I don't throw up but I constantly feel nauseous and extremely bloated. The bloating is especially bad at night after dinner, even though I am eating less. All I want to eat are dry biscuits, bread, and oats.
Hi, im around week 6-7 too, and i feel nauseous whole day for the past couple of week. Tried to vomit cause it was too awful to handle, but nothing came out. Im facing the same situtation as you too, constantly feeding myself with foods every 1-2 hour.

Heard that it will go away during the 2nd trimester. hope it really do! :(
Hi ladies. Try sour plums, sour skittles, lime juice, hot water, hot milo. I been through same as yall. It will pass you have to endure. I cried everyday during week 5. I’m now week 12.
Did you managed to fill your stomach everyday? How do you continue to function with a hungry and sick stomach?
No, it’s hard to eat. But I eat or drink to make myself feel not so nauseous. I rest on the bed and sleep it off. But when i got up it’s still the same old thing. I was feeling so weak I feel i was going to collapse. I still had to go to work. your baby is growing and he/she needs your blood, energy everything to grow. That’s why we are feeling this way. Trust me it will get better. I’m also a FTM.
I have the exact same issue during my second pregnancy, and the feeling of nausea stayed with me from Weeks 6 to 14. During that time, I just want to do nothing after I come home from work (work helps to distract me from this sick feeling), and my hubby took charge of my big boy and cooking for 2 whole months. I also hardly ate, and tried to make myself feel better by taking sugared ginger (it was an organic brand sold at NTUC branches). Even certain smells from body wash or shampoo puts me off - one time I have to make my big boy bathe again as his body wash smell makes me feel even more terrible. But well, the good news is, this feeling will eventually pass! It was miraculously gone one day ard Week 14! Not sure whether this is true, but certain people I met told me it means the hormone level is strong and hence baby is more stable. Jia you!
Have you tried acupuncture wrist bands? They might help. They can be used to help with nausea for pregnancy too. Im at w7 and i've been using them. Though i'm still a bit nauseous all the time, i think the wrist bands do help slightly because I used them in the past for motion sickness and they were really effective
Thanks for your suggestions but I guess I won't be needing it much longer. Went for scan today and they could not see any fetal pole. It was an empty sac. Now is to accept it and then eat med to flush it out
