Under Armour Spree up to 40% off


Well-Known Member
Please join only if you are comfortable with the terms and conditions
Please proceed to pay. No payment no orders

For those who cannot post their items here, please email me at [email protected]

Exchange Rate: USD 1 = SGD 1.43 (may subject to adjustment, depending on my credit card bill)

There are two payments:
1) Cost of the items

2) 2 Shipping charges:
a) FREE Domestic shipping if order exceed US $60 if not will be US$5
b) International shipping charges via VPOST and shared based on weight/bulkiness of order

Please avoid purchasing bulk items as they tend to incur higher shipping charges

Payment mode:
Please transfer the payment to the below bank account as stated:
POSB saving account: 207-313394

Kindly email me at [email protected] with the order format (see below) after payment transfer. (Please use your NICK when transferring, indicate which bank account you transferred to, transaction no. and the amount.

Collection mode:(Please take note it is at my own convenience )
1) Woodlands
2) Marsiling Drive
3) Courier $7/$10/$15

If you choose COURIER, pls note my responsibility end after I handed over your items to courier.Pls do not blame or vent your frustration at me if any courier mishap crop up.

Please use this format to order
Order Format:
Nick :
Mobile Number : email to me
Email address : email to me
Collection mode :
Item No: #01
Name of the Item:
Web link (URL):
Price: USD$[AAA] x 1.43 x = SGD [BBB]
Alternative if item is OOS:

