Trying to conceive 2020

IVF is not painful actually...during ER, you will be knocked off with GA, so you wouldnt feel the pain. If you have done SO IUI , the jabs are almost the same, just a little more..
thanks bluerosie & anonymousjane! yep, i got my "preview" of IVF when i did my SO-IUI. tbh, i think i can get used to the injections. still dread doing it everyday but it's something i can live with. i'm more concerned with the physical and mental side effects of IVF - any idea if weight gain and mood swings are common symptoms? my doc told me that with modern medication the weight gain is pretty much non-existent or minimal, more of bloating if anything

thanks bluerosie & anonymousjane! yep, i got my "preview" of IVF when i did my SO-IUI. tbh, i think i can get used to the injections. still dread doing it everyday but it's something i can live with. i'm more concerned with the physical and mental side effects of IVF - any idea if weight gain and mood swings are common symptoms? my doc told me that with modern medication the weight gain is pretty much non-existent or minimal, more of bloating if anything
Hmm not that i know me it was pretty much the same as SO IUI just more jabs. Bloating will be there but temporary...Even after FET and now confirmed pregnant, there is still bloating which is unavoidable... certain days, my tummy is flat, some days bloated. But it doesnt bother me much as it reduces with time.

I think more than the actual effects of IVF, there are more myths to it that scares of people. I know friends who insists will never go for it fearing the meds and side effects. At the same time I know some who did it and have no issues. Ultimately it is what you want. If time is not a concern, than maybe u can defer IVF
If time is a concern, then IVF may help
Is this your first? Do you take any supplements or anything?
Sorry! Realized I haven’t reply. This is my second time trying, I have a 6 year old (conceived naturally).

Doc prescribed me with letrozole. Husband was prescribed profiteril. I also went to see Zou Yumin and took her Med. But heard from doc at the last visit I should mix Chinese med with letrazole and perhaps that is why letrazole didn’t work for me.
Hmm not that i know me it was pretty much the same as SO IUI just more jabs. Bloating will be there but temporary...Even after FET and now confirmed pregnant, there is still bloating which is unavoidable... certain days, my tummy is flat, some days bloated. But it doesnt bother me much as it reduces with time.

I think more than the actual effects of IVF, there are more myths to it that scares of people. I know friends who insists will never go for it fearing the meds and side effects. At the same time I know some who did it and have no issues. Ultimately it is what you want. If time is not a concern, than maybe u can defer IVF
If time is a concern, then IVF may help
thanks for this! i think time is a concern for me, i'm turning 32 this year, but then again, have no idea how long the next process will take so if possible, i'd like to start early. this is turning out to be more challenging and trying than i ever imagined!
Hello ladies! I'm also new here and have been ttc for about 2 months. May i check if anyone has recommendations for prenatal vitamins? Does it really help? I have been taking folic acid too but i'm not too sure what else should we be taking to help prep our bodies...
Hi Germaine

currently i m taking GNC conceive for her N folic acid N coq10 (recommended by tcm)

your hub should also start to take folic acid
Hello! Previously i heard some of my friends mentioned that Blackmores Conceive well has a weird after taste.
Is that true? =/

I took Blackmores conceive well and hubby took blackmores multivit for men. We got pregnant within one month of taking the supplements, and this was after trying for abt 5 months. Unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage.

But the supplements did help with conceiving. The taste of conceive well is bearable.
I took Blackmores conceive well and hubby took blackmores multivit for men. We got pregnant within one month of taking the supplements, and this was after trying for abt 5 months. Unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage.

But the supplements did help with conceiving. The taste of conceive well is bearable.
Oh so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. :(
But it seems like the supplements are helpful!
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and started to TTC since last August. My husband and I went to Dr Caroline Khi from ACJ Clinic for our fertility checkup (sperm count and blood test) previously. All seems okay, except that I have cyst and fibroids (which Dr Khi says just monitor). So we were advised to try naturally for at least 6 months before we follow up with the doctor.

I am turning 34 this year and even though I have very regular menstrual cycle, it seems so so difficult to conceive. Whenever AF appears every month, I will be super down for a few days.

TBH, we haven’t been trying at all till a few months back so I am considered a newbie as compared to some ladies. These few months, it has been interesting discovery of my body and understanding how fertility works. Not shameless to share some lessons I have learnt.

I have always been counting my menstrual cycle wrongly. Apparently from what I read, day 1 of the menstrual cycle is the first day of full flow (spotting doesn't count). I probably failed Biology badly when I was schooling and had too much confidence in my Math. It took me some time to get it right so I thought to just share it here in case anyone is as confused as I am.

We have used 3 rounds of Clear Blue OPK. The first time round, I didn’t get any smiley face at all. I was so worried that I don’t ovulate, and I went back regularly to the gynae to make sure my follicles grow. Second lesson for me is, even though mensus happens, it doesn’t mean ovulation happens. And third lesson for me is, ovulation doesn’t happen at 14 days. I have a shorter menstrual cycle (26 days), so by right my ovulation will happen on day 13. But by left, it always happen on day 16. Hence I didn’t get any smiley face the first time I used OPK because the 10 sticks didn’t last me till day 16 Haha. But for the past two months, I finally got it right. At this stage of mine, seeing the smiley face feels like I strike a lottery.

That is all for me and the stupid mistakes I have made so far. Sorry for being so Long-winded. Hope it brings some laughter or shed some light with everyone. I haven’t succeed yet and hope I get some good news soon. I have been taking folic acid and drinking Yomeishu every night. I also cut down on coffee and cold drinks. I did enquire about Angelia’s fertility massage, it is quite pricey for me and there is a need for weekly commitment for 6 months. We thought of trying it naturally first before going to her. I also went to did a trial on Joyre fertility massage, not sure if it works but it did help in my bowl movement.

Baby dust to all!
i had the same issue with u for the OKP. I also assume that i ovulated on D15 and start about D9-10, but after a few boxes (imagine $$) then i came to realise to start testing at D15 instead and ovulation occurs usually at D22. i’m always smiling when i see the smiley face too. haven’t succeed yet but hope miracle will happen soon!
Hi all, im trying to sell my clear blue advance ovulation kit 20 Sticks sealed box + 1 free for $50. Expiry 31 july 2020. Thank you.
Hello! Previously i heard some of my friends mentioned that Blackmores Conceive well has a weird after taste.
Is that true? =/
If you read up the ingredients, it has iron and fish oil. Both are notorious for giving a "bad" taste; therefore it's not inherent to just CW.

I used to consume it and one time i BFP less than 2months after in its course but that beanie didn't stick. I think CW does prep your womanly productivity bits but for me personally, and unfortunately, that eggie/swimmer was a bad batch (describing in a crude way) so it wasn't meant to be viable.

i would still recommend CW to tune your fertility condition.
If you read up the ingredients, it has iron and fish oil. Both are notorious for giving a "bad" taste; therefore it's not inherent to just CW.

I used to consume it and one time i BFP less than 2months after in its course but that beanie didn't stick. I think CW does prep your womanly productivity bits but for me personally, and unfortunately, that eggie/swimmer was a bad batch (describing in a crude way) so it wasn't meant to be viable.

i would still recommend CW to tune your fertility condition.
Ah i see! Thats why it has a weird or bad after taste cause of the fish oil.
Yeap, decided to try out Blackmores Conceive Well and shall see if it really helps!

Never thought or knew TTC will be challenging and tough for women cause last time we used to hear people get preg so soon and easily! :(
I have been TTC as well with disappointment mont after month. All I can say is TTC with Endo is very very demoralising :(
Hi, I have norethisterone (to be taken 2 times a day, 40 tablets) expires in 02. 2021. For induction of menses (I had irregular menses hence difficult to track ovulation).

Folic acid tablet (30s)expiring in Jun 2022. To bless away together if u are interested
Hi, just want to find a channel to pour my feelings..

i had ectopic twice and the last one was in sept last yr got my left tube removed cos after the mtx jab hcg didnt went down, surgery is needed.. my hub and i went let nature takes its course starting from this year.. just did my 6mth checkup w gyn just 2weeks ago all good..

now i having some cramps on my right side but not sharp pain and i am 1 week away from my period. i knw cramps might be norm if successful pregnant but i am feeling very scared.. ☹️ i hope history dont repeat again.. dare not tell my hub about it yet.. likely to take a preg test tmr.. sigh...
Hi, just want to find a channel to pour my feelings..

i had ectopic twice and the last one was in sept last yr got my left tube removed cos after the mtx jab hcg didnt went down, surgery is needed.. my hub and i went let nature takes its course starting from this year.. just did my 6mth checkup w gyn just 2weeks ago all good..

now i having some cramps on my right side but not sharp pain and i am 1 week away from my period. i knw cramps might be norm if successful pregnant but i am feeling very scared.. ☹ i hope history dont repeat again.. dare not tell my hub about it yet.. likely to take a preg test tmr.. sigh...

Hello. Don't be too stressed k. I would recommend to not take the test as it might not be accurate(I watched some videos on how the test from 8 dpo till 15 dpo progresses, even if you are preg, it does not show clearly and you gotta wait another day to test and everyday will be another stressful day. I would try and distract myself, do some other stuff to not think about it till its time. But of course if you feel better to test, go ahead. Just my opinion after 'always testing and putting myself under stress' for 4 years.

Maintaining a positive mindset is important! Jia you. Keeping my fingers crossed for your bfp!!
Hello! I had Blackmore's conceive gold well lately , barely a month but I have a missed ovulation and period which is maybe unusual. I was TTC for 3 months hence for the past 2 months my period and ovulation cycle is regular till I take this supplement. Anyone have similar experience ?
Hi, I was prescribed letrozole for 5 days, starting from CD2. However, I have yet to ovulate as of today CD21 (opk negative on random days that’s likely to ovulate, no ewcm). Anyone knows if letrozole actually causes Ovulation to happen on specific days like CD 14 - CD17 ? Or it still depends on one’s body?
Hi, I was prescribed letrozole for 5 days, starting from CD2. However, I have yet to ovulate as of today CD21 (opk negative on random days that’s likely to ovulate, no ewcm). Anyone knows if letrozole actually causes Ovulation to happen on specific days like CD 14 - CD17 ? Or it still depends on one’s body?
It depends on your body. Letrozole does not cause ovulation but rather increases the chances of the follicles growing to a more ideal size and possibly more follicles. But one might still not ovulate even with letrozole
It depends on your body. Letrozole does not cause ovulation but rather increases the chances of the follicles growing to a more ideal size and possibly more follicles. But one might still not ovulate even with letrozole

Thanks. Will continue to monitor then.
Me! I am on my two weeks wait. CD 17 now. No okp postive this cycle, just dark lines but not darker than the control line even through i tested quite excessively. Hoping it is just diluted pee or I missed the surge.
Me! I am on my two weeks wait. CD 17 now. No okp postive this cycle, just dark lines but not darker than the control line even through i tested quite excessively. Hoping it is just diluted pee or I missed the surge.

Hi, do u usually ovulate around CD14 to CD17? And any ewcm this cycle? Mine is not even dark, barely visible most of the time.
Me! I am on my two weeks wait. CD 17 now. No okp postive this cycle, just dark lines but not darker than the control line even through i tested quite excessively. Hoping it is just diluted pee or I missed the surge.

I can only depend on opk because I have no idea when the ovulation starts just make sure you do the deed within the timing! Is it me that I feel its too deliberate to dtd during that period?

I'm on 13dpo and cd27. Not holding much hope for this cycle as I kept testing negatives. I feel crampy like pms if AF comes tomorrow, I'll be saving the last pregnancy kit for next cycle.
Hi, do u usually ovulate around CD14 to CD17? And any ewcm this cycle? Mine is not even dark, barely visible most of the time.
Yes I usually ovulate around day 14/15. There was ewcm, just no dark line. How many times do you test a day?
I’ve attached my progression. =(


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I can only depend on opk because I have no idea when the ovulation starts just make sure you do the deed within the timing! Is it me that I feel its too deliberate to dtd during that period?

I'm on 13dpo and cd27. Not holding much hope for this cycle as I kept testing negatives. I feel crampy like pms if AF comes tomorrow, I'll be saving the last pregnancy kit for next cycle.
yup, I tried the SMEP for this cycle. So I dtd every other day. Hopefully it’s good enough. Yes it can be very stressful because even if you are not totally in the mood, you kinda still have to do it.

is your cycle very accurate? How Long have you been ttc?
Yes I usually ovulate around day 14/15. There was ewcm, just no dark line. How many times do you test a day?
I’ve attached my progression. =(

I test once a day, same timing. The opk test strips work well for me, everytime it shows positive, I see ewcm and vice versa. Just this time round a bit off ...
I test once a day, same timing. The opk test strips work well for me, everytime it shows positive, I see ewcm and vice versa. Just this time round a bit off ...
Maybe since you just took the new medication, your body is adjusting to it. All the best!
yup, I tried the SMEP for this cycle. So I dtd every other day. Hopefully it’s good enough. Yes it can be very stressful because even if you are not totally in the mood, you kinda still have to do it.

is your cycle very accurate? How Long have you been ttc?

Haha ya not in the mood, body also not reacting well.

I had pcos previously so my cycle is in a big mess. The last time round it was 35 day cycle. Well. This month is actually my first cycle. But prior to this I went to check everything, except the Dr kept telling me to stop breastfeeding to have higher chance. My AF isn't here still. Still thinking if I should visit my Dr for a scan just to be sure before I start popping the menses inducing pills.
Haha ya not in the mood, body also not reacting well.

I had pcos previously so my cycle is in a big mess. The last time round it was 35 day cycle. Well. This month is actually my first cycle. But prior to this I went to check everything, except the Dr kept telling me to stop breastfeeding to have higher chance. My AF isn't here still. Still thinking if I should visit my Dr for a scan just to be sure before I start popping the menses inducing pills.

Yup, I heard it is better to stop breastfeeding if you want to conceive again/faster. Like you said, maybe you should see your doctor for a scan.
Im waiting for circuit breaker to end before making a trip to the doctor if I don’t get pregnant for the coming two months. Especially I’m not sure if I ovulated. =(
Hello ladies! I'm also new here and have been ttc for about 2 months. May i check if anyone has recommendations for prenatal vitamins? Does it really help? I have been taking folic acid too but i'm not too sure what else should we be taking to help prep our bodies...
I'm trying Swisse pre-conception and pregancy supplements. DH taking Fertilaid. Still TTC.
Hi hi. I had my first child in 2015 and after 3 years, We wanted to try for 2nd one.. however we haven’t been successful, my menses seemed abit haywired since my 1st preg and had a chemical pregnancy in Dec 2018.

My mum recently asked me to boil chicken Essence and bai Feng wan tgt and drink it after my menses ( first week 3 times, 2nd week 2 times, 3rd week 1 time), her friend’s daughter actually got pregnant after drinking it. So after drinking for almost 6 times, and also BD after tested positive on my opk, I’m crossing my fingers now...
Hi. Congrats! Can I check with you did you take any other supplements while taking this Chicken Essence + BFW recipe? Am planning to try this.
HI everyone! I have been lurking in this forum for months now before I decided to sign up. I'm 33 this year and also currently TTC for 2 years now, since we got married. But no luck, ... we went for a check with Dr Sheila at Raffles in Aug 2018. All came back alright and told us we can still try natural and if still no good news, come back for more further assessments. She told me about this dye check but I wasn't ready for that because I thought it was quite invasive.

So we've been trying ever since and it has gotten quite tiring and emotional for me, to see my period coming every month. Twice it has come late, and naturally I had my hopes up, but no. It's like my body is playing tricks on me and it got me so frustrated at myself. I now stress is one cause for late cycles, and even from trying to conceive, so I've been trying to take it day by day.

Now we are going through another round of checks and we decided to go through the subsidy route in KKH. Just had our 1st appointment last Monday and since our last check was over a year ago, they want to do the checks with us again, and a more detailed one too, before we find out what we can do next. I had my blood taken and hubby will go for his semen test soon.

My next test is the HyFoSy. I read somewhere in here that it costs $500++?? Really? :eek: Can anyone confirm that? And if it's true, can I use Medisave for it?
Hi dear, we went to KKH too for our first IVF. Yea it cost that much and you can partially use Medisave, rest must top up in cash. Pretty sure I paid $200+ . Hyposy hurts so much, even on the strong painkiller they prescribed. Time it well, too soon and the effects will wear off.
Hello ladies.. me and hubby have been ttc for a year already. was wondering if anyone has or is experiencing this after trying blackmores conceived well gold. I have taken BCWG for two cycles already. First cycle, took for a week and my AF came so much later. On avg I am a 34 days cycle. But after taking the vits for a week, it became a 49 days cycle? Then on my second cycle, it became 30 days cycle. But on this 30 days cycle, a week after my period ends, I have been having spotting. Prior to the spotting I had cramps that day. And the day after the cramps, it was spotting Everyday and until today, I have been having spotting for the 5th day consecutively. And on both cycles, I don’t see much EWCM or nothing at all? I see very little egg white liked discharge compared to before I took this vits. I don’t know what is going on... feeling so depress and discouraging :(
I have pcos too, unfortunately. My period never seems to come back anyway I booked for kkh infertility appointment alr. Hopefully they can prescribe some medication for me~
Hello I am new here! I have PCOS for last 8 years and now TTC. My periods are averaging every 2-3 months :(
I am on OPK now but still did not succeed after 3 months of trying
Hello ladies.. me and hubby have been ttc for a year already. was wondering if anyone has or is experiencing this after trying blackmores conceived well gold. I have taken BCWG for two cycles already. First cycle, took for a week and my AF came so much later. On avg I am a 34 days cycle. But after taking the vits for a week, it became a 49 days cycle? Then on my second cycle, it became 30 days cycle. But on this 30 days cycle, a week after my period ends, I have been having spotting. Prior to the spotting I had cramps that day. And the day after the cramps, it was spotting Everyday and until today, I have been having spotting for the 5th day consecutively. And on both cycles, I don’t see much EWCM or nothing at all? I see very little egg white liked discharge compared to before I took this vits. I don’t know what is going on... feeling so depress and discouraging :(
I bought this supplement too but felt nauseous after taking it so i stopped or it will give me false hope as if i am pregnant... lol but i did read reviews that it made the cycle weird, so u r not alone!! The reviews are so mixed. Some ppl got pregnant within 1-2 months... anw i just bot Fairhaven fertileCM supplement on iherb, waiting for delivery so if it works will update!
really sorry to hear about your loss. Please keep your faith strong and focus on your health for the time being.

Anyone here in late 30s trying naturally?
I am mid 30s and trying naturally since last nov.... i have severe pcos but period came regularly after i went tcm from nov.., i am not confident i will conceieve :(
Is Angelia the one from Babies Bliss? She seems to be pioneer in SG. My MIL's friend conceived after Angelia's massage.
Thank u for sharing! Interesing.. i also learnt alot about fetility last few months.. all the best to u!! Jia you!
Hi, just want to find a channel to pour my feelings..

i had ectopic twice and the last one was in sept last yr got my left tube removed cos after the mtx jab hcg didnt went down, surgery is needed.. my hub and i went let nature takes its course starting from this year.. just did my 6mth checkup w gyn just 2weeks ago all good..

now i having some cramps on my right side but not sharp pain and i am 1 week away from my period. i knw cramps might be norm if successful pregnant but i am feeling very scared.. ☹ i hope history dont repeat again.. dare not tell my hub about it yet.. likely to take a preg test tmr.. sigh...
Hugs.... don’t worry.! My gf has ectopic and also fallopian removed and now she is mom. She did ivf . Hope u r feeling better now
