Need advice


New Member
Hello all,

great to join the group and meet soon to be mommies:)
This is my first pregnancy and must say it’s been challenging mentally. The news came in a time when i was already overwhelmed with COVId, moving a house, and deciding to shift jobs.
given that I had too many breaks in my career in the past, it’s a challenge for me to establish myself in the 1st 6 months of this job.
I’d like to know from fellow ladies who are already mommies about navigating this phase. This is my first trimester and I’m tired most of time. How can I expect my body changes to cooperate the anxiety and challenges in my new job?
Any inputs will be of immense help!!
hi totally get your sentiment, especially when my first trimester was so hard too.
i think its important to give yourself some grace and know that you are growing a human inside you. stay safe and take care
