Chilli Padi's MIL is reeealllly nasty lor - i know cos i'm her colleague and we share Horror MIL stories. Mine is just very silly and irritating but hers is really vicious and diabolical and pretend that she's those holy molly gentle gentle sort but she's really a snake in sheep's clothing. Really give Catholics a bad name.

Dear all! I am new here and would like to join in the forum with all of you! Well, I too have mil problem.

My husband is very filial to his mother. However, he knows that his mother and me cannot gum and try ways and means to gum us up.

The worst thing is that my husband wants his mother to take care of my baby who is due in this coming december 2005 whereas I wanted my own mum to take care for me. Guess what when mil found out the truth, she ask my husband to return the box of ginseng bird nest which she bought for me in the morning the next day.

On reunion new year, my plate of rice went round the table and mil said that she forgotten to scoop rice for me. My husband had to even go and take a pair of chopstick for me.

My best advice is to ignore my mil. Cos the more you say, the worst it becomes. Sometimes, I wonder to myself as to why my husband can tolerate others bullying me hence as far as his side is concerned, I ignore and pretend not to notice.
chillipadi, if you think yours is worse, arent my even worst situation. But my husband will try to pacify me once in a while. But when his mother complains to him, I chiam chiam already for sure.
Hi Faith,

There is more to what my MIL did. My advise to you is that you need to sit down and tell your hubby how you feel and what ur MIL have been doing. Sometimes they are so filial that they are blind to these actions that their mother did.

I always tell my hubby that I have "lun" for a long long time and this is what ur mother is doing.... he will quietly go tell his mother not to do those things again.

Things are only slightly better now b'cos when I was pregnant, MIL gave me so much problems during my last trimester that Hubby and his sisters sent her to stay with my elder SIL in new caledonia. At 1st she was only suppose to stay for one mth but when baby arrived, my hubby and SIL decided to extend her trip as my mum was helping me to look after the baby. She only came back after the one month celebration. If I was not pregnant, my hubby wld not have scolded his mum and send her away. One of the rare occassion that I hubby blew his top at her. That oso made her scared as it showed her that i am important to my hubby.

Don't mean to teach you to be disrespectful but sometimes you shld just throw your temper and let go at her than she won't think that you are easy to bully.

My MIL will continue to do things to show that she doesn't like me. When my baby is with my maid, she will come out of her room to play wif baby but the moment I appear, she will get up and walk to her room. When I hubby come out, she will continue to stay and chit chat with him but the moment I appear, she will walk off. So lately, I show her my black face and don't even acknowledge her. My hubby cannot say anything cos' he knows that his mother is asking for it.


One thing I learnt is that if you don't fight back, they will continue to think that you are easy to bully and continue to do what they do to hurt you. In the long term, it will affect ur relationship with your hubby. But before u do anything, tell ur hubby your feeling and give him time to talk to ur MIL. Oso tell him that if his mothet continues to treat you like that than don't blame you for blowing up at her. believe me, the 1sy time u blow up at her, you will feel very good and oso ur MIL will know you are not easy to bully.
Hi Ladies,

Seems like I'm not the only one having this MIL problems.

Hi Chillipadi,
If I am you, I dun think I would have survive till now. Kudos to you.

HI Faith,
Just to share with you on my own experience. When I found out I'm pregnant, I already have the mindset that I'll ask my Mum to take care of her since my Mum is an experience babysitter for 20 over years and since my MIL has never took care of any of my SIL's kids and not even her own 4 kids donkey years back. My husband and siblings are brought up mainly by FIL (who is a real good care giver but unfortunately lost the battle to cancer) and my elder SIL, my MIL is only interested in mahjongs.

When she suddenly announce one day that when we (my husband, myself, MIL and younger SIL) moves to our (husband and my) new flat, she will quit her job and look after her grandchild. I was stunned but I didn't raise any objections thinking that it must be a craze, will die down soon, but no it didn't.

My protest to my hubby was turn down flat given the reason that my mum's house is too far and it's more convenient to let my MIL take care of the kid. I regret till now that I didn't fight for my way.

My confinement is a nitemare. I was so attached to my baby that I got this 'selfish' feeling and hate to see my MIL carry my baby. So in the first week back home, I did everything by myself. Babies are extremely cranky during the first month and my little one keeps crying and doesn't sleep at nite. My MIL loves to carry my baby to sleep during the day and I attribute that baby is so accustom to the rocking and cuddling that she needs all these to sleep at nite.

You know the herbs water for bathing. She only cook a small pot of water, expecting me to be able to clean myself with that teeny weeny bit of water. I simply pour the water away and shower with warm water. Confinement food, milo for breakfast, mixed veg rice for lunch and only homecook dinner as her precious daughter is coming back for dinner... but good in a way, I went down 15kg in a month.. HEHE

I did not sleep at all for 5 whole nites during the first week. Imagine a woman deprived of sleep for 5 nites is extremely cranky, and baby won't stop crying. My MIL rush in to carry the crying baby and I snapped and scream at her. I dunno what prompt my action, but I guess it's the feeling of knowing that my MIL is going to be the caregiver to my baby and the current situation is not what I want and hope for, simply makes me mad.

My husband was rather pissed with my action and I was real sad. (Almost tearing as I write this). My mum refuse to come visit me as she's afraid that her visit will aggravate the whole situation. So I'm cut off from the whole, with only a baby to speak to. I refuse to tell my husband my feelings cos telling him will only make him feel worse and worsen our relationship.

I return work earlier to avoid further possible conflicts and I'm surprise that I'm still saint.. hehehe.

By the way, I did appologise sincerely to my MIL about my behaviour and explain to her that she happens to be the one to do something which triggers my frustration of not sleeping for 5 nites. Luckily she says she 'understand', but she's been telling all her relatives and daugthers that she wants to move back to her own house soon and they have been giving me a kind of look. What can i say...

Well, I was kind of glad that I blew up that time. Cos my MIL loves to order me around during relatives' gathering, like i'm a maid. But now, she doesn't.
hi emonster,

Glad you did it. Sometimes i find the hubby very useless as they won't stand up for you until something happens. For me, it was the pregnancy... we basically had problems conceiving and actually gave up trying for a baby as it was too much stress for us. But when we discovered tht I was pregnant, we were estatic. As the pregnanacy was very impt to us and the condition of my womb, my gynae took extra care. I had to visit my gynae twice a week for injections for the 1st 5 mths. And when hubby found out baby was a girl, he was even more kan cheong. So when MIL was being difficult and giving me problems while he was working, he was very fed up with her. He scolded and shouted at her (one of the rare occasions). MIL was so wooried that when the baby arrived, the maid will not wait on her anymore so she kept harrassing my maid, make he cry. She kept the harrasement and provoke her until my maid told us she don't want to work anymore. My hubby and SIL was so mad with MIL that they sat down on one afternoon and confronted her. She was such a big liar and said no I didn't do anything. But thank god My elder SIL's son was on holiday here staying with us, saw everything and told us that she did indeed bully the maid. She was so mad with the grandson and told the grandson that blood is thicker than water and how can he side outsider and not his mama. The grandson than replied that if mama you are in the wrong, how can we side you? So she fedup with the grandson. Because of this incident, my hubby and his sisters felt that it wld be better for me that my MIL went away so that the last stage of my pregnancy wld be better. So we had a blissful period in Singapore for 3 mths while my elder SIL had a nightmare in new caledonia while my MIL satyed with her. She wld write everyday to tell us wat's happening. It was really like a soap opera drama.

We have just moved in to a new place to be closer to my mum who is helping me look after my baby while I work. It's a much bigger place with better amenties and yet MIL is not happy. Still complain abt everything. When she moved frm her 3 rm flat to our 5rm flat in Seng Kang, she complain say not enough space to store her things. The neighbouring block so close can look into her window, so far from shops etc. Now we move to an executive apt, we built her extra wardrobe, gave her queen size bed, she complain say donno why we bulid extra cupboard for her take up so much space. Now no nearby blocks to look into the window she complain say the park downstairs no good, all the dust fly into the room etc... the list goes on... We basically jus ignore her and told ourselves that we are not going to please her anymore cos waste time and effort. Not appreciative. Sometimes I know that my hubby oso cannot tahan her but no choice wat... that is his mother so no matter what, have to close an eye lor.
Hi emonster
i can feel your anguish and i emphathise with you. Your mil is really nasty and mean. I mean during the confinement period, new mums had to be taken care well if not would have post natal blues. So i guess in your case it erupted huh.

Anyway live ife for yourself and your family. Ultimately your mil cannot rule your world or your family Just ignore her whenever possible. I think it is definitely very necessary to let your hubby know what you are going through and get him to understand. Also think u need your free space with your own family members and friends as well. Talk to people you are close with and you can gt some consolement form them.
Dear all,

Reading all your stories make my hand feel itchy and wanted to write something about my MIL, too.

My MIL is not a very terrible one but I still have problem getting along with her. I guess it is because we both have very strong characters so it's like "one mountain cannot have two tigers" :p

My first problem with her was because of religion - She believe in the Taiwanese Tao (or so called "Yi Guan4 Tao4") and she expects me to follow hers, but I had bad experience with the religion before so I refused to do what they normally do (they got certain things to do when praying/paying respect to their "Gods"). We always have arguement (not fighting, just discussion on why should do this & that) on this matter.

Then it came to my late baby, Jie Yun - when we first knew that my then unborn baby had congenital heart disease, she tried all means to persuade us to give up the baby, saying that it would cost a lot of money, talking about her dreams (which implied that we should give up the baby), she cannot help us to take care of the baby because she has to devote her time for her religion....bla bla bla. In fact, all she was trying to say is centered on $$$$ only (at least this is what I feel).She even dare to ask us to buy a house (share with other siblings) later because her 2nd son was coming back to Malaysia for good, I told hubby no way because we had to keep the money for our baby.

Last week, she called hubby and said that they had signed an agreement with an agent to buy a house costing RM260K and asked him to share RM50K for the house. When hubby told me about this, I was so furios and I told hubby that we saved the money for our Jie Yun, although Jie Yun is not here anymore, I will not give the money to her, I rather donate the money to charity.

My hubby got two younger brothers, the youngest also work in Singapore, as a trader (according to his own estimation, the income tax he need to apy for year 2005 will be around S70K, so must be earning a lot right?), while the other is a doctor who worked in Taiwan and now returned to M'sia already (have not started work). She wants three of them to share RM50K each so that she can buy the house for "kong jia", I told her before that both hubby and I already have our own house (one each, bought before we were married) so we don't need anymore house, while the other two brothers do not have one so if want to share, they can share to buy one. I believe this is a valid reason, isn't it? Somehow I feel that she think we don't need the money for our baby anymore because our baby is no longer here, so she can take the money from us just like that. I was very angry and had a big fight with hubby because he is a fillial son, too, and he felt sorry if he has to turn his mother down.

Luckily when I called to tell my mum about this, my mum suggested me to ask the other two siblings whether they want to share, and said that even she (my MIL) herself don't want to live with her SILs, why expect her DILs to stay together? ha, then I found this very good reason to turn my MIL's request down. I called hubby's brothers and told them straight away that we will not share the purchase. Guess what? the next day the youngest brother called and said they decided not to buy the house already, when hubby asked him why he don't want to buy since he do not have a house, he replied that he will not live in the house, why bother??

My dad once commended that she (my MIL) afraids that I will take away all her son's earning, so she has to try every means to "dig" the money from my hubby first. See, that's the impression of her in my family.

I think she is more difficult to deal with than yours MILs because she is can act like she is very open-minded and kind person, at least most people think that she is a nice lady and I am a bad DIL, especially even my hubby do not side on me..
Hi Chillipadi,

Sometimes, I feel that no matter how much we (DIL) do, for our in laws, be it MIL or SIL (for my case) is never enough and that we are the ones who influences their precious sons in whatever unacceptable predicament they are in.

These are some of the incidents which makes me tick..

- although we are living in a 4 room flat, both my SIL and MIL are each getting a room, that means, my baby doesn't have a room upon her arrival, but I'm okay with this arrangement for now.
- Despite our tight budget for renovation, we opt for cheaper designs in order to leave aside budget to do up two build in wardrobes for both rooms since MIL commented that she would want one, so to be fair, we did two.
- Upon completion of reno, only hubby and myself (4 mths preggie) went down to clean up the house, for the whole 1 mth of cleaning, not once did my MIL and SIL came to help. When they move in, my SIL still got the cheek to say her room not clean enough. Hello, want clean, do it yourself lah.. bl**dy ***
- Although the flat is ready to live in, me and my husband can't move up cos he says he's worried about both his mum and sis. Ask them to pack and prepare to move up, they took 3 mths and yet nothing was done. My request to move up is again turn down. My MIL's house toilet is not seat type, it's squat type. Can you imagine how difficut it is for a 8 mths preg to do business? I can only go office to do big ones. Worse part, I can't use the toilet for too long, if not my SIL will come knocking, saying she need to use...
- My SIL's attitude is so bad whenever she's ask to pay for her own stuff, TV rack, table etc. Keep saying it's because we wanna move and then my MIL wants to follow that's why she needs to spent so much money. Can you imagine my fire? If you dun want to pay, then don't come and stay. I dun need shit from you. We did not even ask a single cent from her.
- My SIL will always bath for at least half an hour with the water running. When she use the loo, and the bowl got stain, she couldn't even bother to use the water spray to clean it off. When my hubby confront her, she can goes 'can't help leh'. Last time in MIL's house, if anyone dirty the loo, she will scream and shout, now she's the contributor....
- Whenever my MIL or SIL comes back late at nite, late as in between 1 to 3am, sometimes they close the door real loud and often my baby woke up because of the noise and can't go to sleep, can't they just be a little more considerate..

I guess my MIL also a very good actress. Infront of me like everything ok, infront of my SILs like she's got tortured by her mean old DIL like nobody business.
Hi TSH, don't know if you remember me from the Jan 05 thread. I've been wondering how you've been doing as I haven't seen you posting for a long time. I'm really sorry to hear about Jie Yun's passing. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to deal with your MIL. I do hope you're OK. Take care yah?

Emonster, your MIL is really monster-in-law man.. how can they self-invite themselves to stay??? Wah biang.

I remember you from some of the other thread. I hope you are feeling better. I know that you will never be able to get over the loss of Jie Yun but know that she is in heaven now looking over you and watching put for you. When it comes to MIL, my take is never let them win. Must at least let them know that we DILs are not easily bullied. Like I said earlier, our hubbies are useless when it comes to their mothers. They will always expect us to give in but they need to know that we are also human and we have feelings to.


you need to let your hubby know what you are piss of with especially when you have a baby at home and you SIL is so inconsiderate. If the next time she complain abt having to pay for things than you tell her that she can move out n rent her own room. You shld also openly complain to your hubby abt how high the water bill is and that everyone in the family shld try and save water. My MIL has a bad habit of leaving the lights on and the tap running cos' she knows that the maid will switch off for her. So when my maid complain to me, during dinner, I openly complain to my hubby abt how high our electricity and water consumption. This way I hint to her that she is the culprit.

What ever it is, never let your MIL think that they can step all over us. Cos' if that happens, we will always be unhappy in our marriage till she passes on. By than too late... damage done to marriage oredi.

My 2 cents thots
Dear Catz,

I remember you, and other names like emonster, Oceans, Jen, CubbieBB, etc, from this or other threads.

Ya, it's not always easy to deal with MILs, bet all of you have the experience. Luckily we have this thread to vent our frustration, else really don't know what to do..

I am trying very hard to get my hubby by my side. For him, that woman is his mother so he see her demands as reasonable and indeed, if she doesn't have house, and we do not have our own properties, then it's really not too much for her to ask for one. I always tell him that " I got one husband and your mother got three sons, who do you think will have your interest in mind 100%?", guess he is slowly buy into this idea, he he he..

But hor, he is going back alone this weekend and will be staying with his parents for about a week, I can't follow because i don't have enough leave. Quite worry that she will "sabo" him to buy something BIG!!!
TSH!!! I'm glad you are doing OK. Yup, it is VERY essential that your hubby is not brainwashed by MIL and just say 'yes yes yes' like a dodobird. Luckily for me, my MIL was a real horrible mom to my hubby so he also cannot tahan her. But my BIL is a real dodobird.. everything also don't fight so she steps all over his head. Just play your politics.. don't always badmouth your MIL infront of hubby. Men like REASON. So must reason with him and pre-empt her every little petty move.
As DIL with nasty MIL, we have to strategise! How I envy those people with nice MIL. *sigh*
i guess it's fate yah? I mean we dun get to choose our mil unlike we get the chance to chosoe our hubby. And when people say we marry the guy we marry the family that comes with it. Marriage isn't really about the 2 of us right? I mean if really between the 2 individuals. Then perhaps got to like distance yourself from the family so u wun face problems with one another. mean mils are terrible. I thought nowdays the mil should be good cuz they scared if they mean to their dil then they may end up losing their son as well.....true?
TSH... hmm... how come my name appear leh?? keke... i "haven't" complain abt MIL openly here leh... but i understand and empathise with some of u lah... hiaz... life's like this... look on the bright side and ignore her... sooner or later, she'll get the idea and stop bothering u...
Hi Etelle,

For a wise MIL, yes, she will be good to DIL because she knows that her DIL will be the one who will be taking care of her son for life (how long can she take care of her son? in a normal case, her son will live at least twenty years longer after she say "bye bye" to this world, isn't it?) so the DIL shall have the final say.

My mum is a good example - she always say my SIL is the one that will take care of my brother in the future, she even treat my SIL better than us until we complained. She treats my SIL well not because she think that she need to depend on my brother in her old age (my parent got enough saving for themselves), but because she "ai wu ji wu" (love the house so extended the love to the crow), and she always say that she trust my brother's "yan guang" in choosing a good wife for himself.

Indeed, if a MIL doesn't like the DIL => she doesn't trust/like her own son's choice => her son is not capable of making a wise decision => her fault because she didn't educate him well => she is not a wise person either => so why should we DIL listen to her??

That's my simple logic lah. How do u think?
Hi Jen,

I didn't mean that you complained about MIL here lah, just that I also remember you name from other threads, think it's the Year end MTB or Jan MTB..
I agree that a wise MIL will be good to her DIL. In my MIL's case, she is nasty just because she is nasty. She doesn't care about hubby at all... seriously. So my case is rather different I guess :p She REALLY doesn't care about my hubby 'cos her elder son is her favourite. She will boil soup for BIL but not for hubby. But when it comes to $$$, she will get my FIL to ask hubby for money.
hi TSH
i agree with you . Your mil is not wise at all. She doesn't have the foresight. maybe she will sooner or later give her some time to realise that hee hee :p

For me my mil is very very good to me. I mean i thank God that i am blessed with one. I still don't know how to appreciate her when i first married to my hubby but now mature liaoz see alot of things and alot of other people stories then i know my mil is really a good person.She ai wu zi wu lor.

Let's hope for the betetr for mean mil to change for the better. Dun despair in the meanwhile yah. Life has more than just surrounded with mil
emonster ~ why do ur MIL & SIL move to stay with u leh? somemore u are pregnant & u go cleaning ur hse ar. hey very dangeroous leh..

why ur SIL so damn inconsiderate one?? cant stop helping u getting angry leh.

Why ur common toilet is squat one? u dun have a toilet in MBR?

TSH ~ your hb family are msian ar? so where are they staying now? & why does ur MIl want to move hse leh? too much money liao isit?? itchy backside ar?

SAd to hear ur MIL force u into her religious whereas i am also same religious as her. Sad is that after attaining this why is she still so unreasonable & ridiculous?
Hi Catz,
No choice, husband is the only son, he's so tighted down by his promise to his late father that he'll take good care of his family. So I got a very 'good' deal, buy 1 get 2 free.. ahaha.

Hi Chilli,
He knows I'm pissed, but ignore it. So many arguments since we moved in and I just got so sick of it. Imagine, my husband nagging almost everyday at either my MIl, SIL or myself and I'll just shut my ears and ignore, but his naggings towards MIL and SIL often turn to arguments. I just want a peaceful nite with my baby, so now I'm 'blind'. As long as the living room, my bedroom and my bathroom where baby is roaming around are clean, that's all I care, I can't be bothered with the rest.

My hubby and I somewhat have a kind of mutual understanding. I understand his predicament and he knows that after I spit out my unhappiness, I'll be alright soon. Even after so much arguments for the past months, we are still going strong. They have recently renovated the old house, and announced months earlier that they will be shifting down once the reno is completed. Seems like all is well for the past months (touchwood) and the idea of shifting seems to vanish....

Hi Jenny,
My mum couldn't help out in the cleaning cos my grandma passed away during that time and she thinks she's 'not clean' to come. But she is also quite pissed when she knows that we are the only two cleaning, but she can't say much, cos she also not helping. Oh boy, I was like praying everytime I do cleaning that my baby will be ok. Keeps telling her that mummy is cleaning because I want her to have a clean environment. Thank God everythings well.

My SIL is the youngest and lost the father at the age of 13, so everybody pampers her alot, especially my MIL. I already think I'm a darm spoilt brat, but she's a level higher than me.. hehe. Even till now, my MIL is washing and ironing all her clothes. If my MIl forgot to iron, she will pull such a long face in the morning...

The squat toilet is in my MIL's house. That old house no seat type and I couldn't move up to my new flat, so no choice... Now got toilet in MBR, haha it's like a dream come true!!!
Hi Jenny,

I am M'sian, too. Hubby and I from same hometown, so no excuse not to stay at hubby's house if go back..

As I said, she wanted to move house because she is afraid that the 2nd son won't stay with her. Their house is in kampung, 10 miles away from city center, and a lot further from the nearest govt hospital where the 2nd son applied to practice there. Nowaday where got married couples want to stay together with big family ??she was hoping all her sons & DILs stay with her while she herself don't want to stay with her SILs, I can't understand how she think really. I cant help having the feeling that she is so possessive of her sons and she don't want the DILs to "rob" her sons away.
Hi there all! Thanks to all of you! cos after I have read all these comments, I realise that I am not alone after all. And it is a relief to know that so many of us are on the same line. My mil wanted to stay with me before my marriage but I put my foot down and even called her to tell her that we can stay near but not too near but definitely not together as I am afraid of conflict.

My mil is someone who feels that her children and grandchildren are important. Wife of my son are not important. They can always remarry.

Guess what after I told her that I do not want to stay with her, she actually shouted at me on chinese new year and even told me to break up with her son. And when her son reaches home, she tells him another story and leading my husband who was my boyfriend then thinking that I hurted her son. To think that an elderly could advise youngster to break up. From that day on wards, I told myself that I cannot treat her nice. And have to draw a line with her.

Right now because I am due in Dec, I make an excuse that I am tired and do not want to go to her house for dinner. Guessed what, dinner on sunday is a must and routine. My husband used to insist on me. But now change to flexible for me. If he does not go, she will boo boo again and everyone thinks I bully her. And my husband comes back telling me that people looked down on him and think how weak he is. I bet to my last dollar it is mil own doing.

In fact, my mil I feel should reflect on herself. She not only could not get along with me but also with her other dils. Sometimes, I wonder why my husband does not protect or side with me. That is why her heart is getting bolder and bolder.

To be frank with you gals, it has added a strain on my marriage. I too have initiated a divorce but my husband would tell me to start afresh again. He is nice to me but the moment he goes back and listens to his mum, it is the end of the route for me again. I wonder should I still continue with this marriage....but right now I am pregnant, everything has to wait till I deliver my precious one!
Hey Faith,

Hang in there and not talk abt divorce. Whatever decision you make, it will affect your child. You will need to think carefully and it's not worth it to throw away your marriage becasue of her. As for your hubby, you shld tell him that as much as you wld not like to put him in this position of choosing between you or his mum, but he has to think of your future together. If he continues to give in to his mother, the marriage will definately fail and now that the baby is coming along, things will only get worst if the baby is a boy. My hubby only stood up for me only during my last trimester when the selfish woman made life diffcult for me. i told my hubby that if hos mother continue to give me trouble, I can loose the baby anytime and that got him worried. In fact he asked his mum if she was trying to kill the baby by giving so much trouble. So advise to you is to have a heart to heart chat with ur hubby. Remember whatever actions you guys take now will affect your child. Will pray for your and ur baby.
Hi there Chilipadi,

My husband is one who is super filial to his mother because of some bad incidents that has happened between his mother and the first sil. My husband happened to have three elder brother and is the only one who has gone to university. The rest are all ITE pupils. So you can imagine the pride and glory that he has brought to his family members.

My elder sil did what I did and requested for her mother to take care of her child. In the end, when she delivered, mil only came once and never until one month when she and baby went back to their own home. Guessed what after taking care of the baby for one month, the mil still want to request to take care of the baby through the son. The poor couple marriage is strained as each time when she goes back with baby, the old bloody bitch will come and when she leaves, the husband will start his nonsense.

The baby is worth 300 bucks every month and each month have to buy two times of rice and oil. I have witnessed it myself that she feeds the baby by putting the food in her mouth, throw it out onto the spoon and put into baby's mouth. Can you imagine, how unhygienic it is? The most irony thing is that sil has complained to me about it and she has no choice, and has to feed baby the same way too.

A baby coming to the world is to bring joy to both mother and father but in the end it is so frightening to know that mil will create problem for the couple and it is worst when husband sides with the mother.

They, mother and son speak in their own dialect language in front of the dil knowing that dil done understand. And the funniest thing is that mil speaks to dil in chinese.

Fil has sensed that the first dil does not like them to come every week when they bring baby back, he has started to come less frequent but mil on purpose will come every week.

I am so fearful that I will face the same consequence. But I guessed I will have to face the same thing as my husband is even more filial than all his brothers.

Another terrible thing is that they make the children call the mil mama, and fil papa...imagine your child calling grandparents parents? What is the world coming to?

That is why my sil told me to ignore mil. Fil does not create that much problem but mil continues to....

Sad faith
My sil has also told me that mil will instruct husband not to buy tonic for her upon delivery. Her husband has not even bought one single drop of essence not to mention one bottle. Mil even better still, dun bother. So that why I have started to ignore them.

I am not saying that I want to get anything from them but it is the way they treat others that make me feel so scared of them.

During cny this year, I did not even receive any red packet from her and neither did I give my to her. I told my mum and she told me to tolerate her and told me that is definitely not the way to be an elder. Despite that, my mum still gave red packet to my husband directly.

Mil has also bad mouth me to her other sisters and they stared at me when I went with husband. I guessed if my marriage has to break down, it is due to my mil.

Girls, if you do have advices for me, please write and let me know.

Hi Faith,
Your MIL really has a strong hold over her sons man. But I think divorce should not even be an alternative, you need to speak with your husband and he really needs to start being more firm with his mom. His mom behaves like this is also because her kids lets her get away with all these nonsense. So if nobody stands up to her, then she will continue. Maybe you and the rest of the DILs need to get together and decide on how best to deal with her, but i think somebody needs to speak with her, maybe your FIL? he sounds more reasonable and sane.
Fil cannot say too cos mil has a special power that is cry. Buay Tahan, do you know that once my first sil made her angry because mil does not want to take care of the baby for her in the night and she needs to work so she told mil how about pay her more to help her out. Guessed what, mil says that she is lazy and sil went away. Moved slightly further away and mil says that sil snatched her son from her and cried and fil and sons called first brother up and told him to ask sil to say sorry to her. Sil no choice did so after much persuasion and in the end draw a line with mil.

Husband in the end promise mil that he will stay with her upon marriage and right now though I refuse to stay with her, we are still near living with her. And she takes this opportunity to visit whenever she has the opportunity.

First son now listen to wife, probably because got two children. Second son, very filial to mil and wife no choice too. Third son, also same thing, and my husband too. Sometimes, I looked at him and feel that he is really very useless cos his mother do that to me and he cannot protect me at all.

Sil ever speak to me and ask me why is it that mil speaks to us in chinese and why cannot speak to son in that language too? Sometimes, mil looks at us and laugh at us. Husband is also a parrot. Have to report to her whatever I tell him. I give up hope on my marriage and now speak to him in english in front of his mother.

I have tried talking to him about it but it is no use. He feels that I am trying to be cruel to a poor old lady. I feel real upset as I feel that he was never like this before marriage but now everything has change.

My parents treat him very well. And because I try not to speak to his mum he comes over to my house for any meals, he too do not talk to my parents. He ever tells me that it is tit for tat....revenge. He feels that I also do not treat his mum well....compares me with his other sil and that they come for dinner each week. But when I check with them, it is not as it seems.

We sils talk bad behind her at times and she will come and join us in the conversation and this prevents us from talking further. Her sons will also come and sit with us to prevent us from talking much.

Is this the life that I want I ask myself? It is really upsetting.

Disappointed faith
Guessed what I have been married for three years. But I will never forget the fact that mil ask husband whether have we consummate the marriage two days after our wedding? Can you imagine what sort of woman is she?
Hi Faith
it seems like you need to really have faith in your marriage and have to hold on to it no matter how hard it may seems. You love your hubby to marry him and when you marry him you more or less know he has this "mother".

I must say she really is someone not easy to handle and talk to. Seems so difficult. Cannot ignore her....Mmmmmm? If you be ncie to her would she appreciate? I mean like she expect you to dislike her and be irritated by what she did then you do the opposite see whether it will drive her to the wall and make her realise that no matter what she do u r still tolerant of her then she will change and treat you better????
Hi Faith,

Seriously, I think you and Hubby shld go see a councilor and let a 3rd party who is an outsider talk to him. they are impartial and will not take sides. You need to tell him that if you guys are not going to see the councilor than the marriage is sure to break down and the most innocent party is your unborn child. There are quite a few places that does counselling free like family life society. let me know if you need some contacts

You will have to put your foot down and like what buay tahan says, maybe the 3 DILs shld arrange to meet all the hubbies together and voice all your problems collectively to all 3 of them. So at least they know that it's not the individual DIl's fault but that their mum is a problem. Cannot be that all 3 DILs have the same problem with their mum and they still think that their mother is an angel. It is ok to respect and be filial to one's mum but it's not ok to respect and be filial blindly and overlook her faults. Your MIL behaves the way she does is because the children and FIL allow her to get away with murder.

To tell u the truth, up to today, my MIL still speaks in peranakan to her son in front of me. I simply give up cos' I have told my Hubby that it's very rude. If my mum can make an effort to speak in her broken english to him than I don't see why MIl cannot speak english to me when I am around. When my hubby requested that she spoke english when I am around, she went round telling ppl that I restrict her from speaking peranakan. When I found out, I told her speak whatever language she wants. I don't give a damn anymore. So during dinner when she starts yakking is peranakan, i totally switch off so sometimes ewhen she do actually ask me something in english, I will miss it and I don't bother answering her. But than I am lucky cos' my husband has knows his mother "chow kuan" and he will tell her off. The change in him only came after I got pregnant and when baby arrived. So hopefully, your husband will also see the "light" too... Hang in there and come here to ventilate if you need to... sorry for the long post
HI Faith, all,
sorry to intrude... but I jus like to give me pt of view...

I agree with buay tahan that the 2 DIL come together and talk to the 3 hubbies... 'strength' is very important here.... My heart goes out to you and your bb.... you love your hubby thats y you are both married.. so hangin there...

abt chillipadi suggestion on the councilor... I think this is a great idea too provided your hubby recognises the problem you are facing which apparently it is not in this case...

abtetelle, I agree that being nice to a person, the person will be nice to you... can you try this method? my hubby and MIL talk hokkien in front of me too (which I dun understand too) but she will talk to me in mandarine lah... I always smile to her whenever I see her.. I will try to strike up a conversation with her.. anything under the sun... but not sensitive issues concerning hubbies... she's very protective towards her kids.... now my bb(8.5mos) is currently looked after by her... though there are times I dun agree with her... but close one eyes... (your case cannot)... so I think the better way to 'fight' this bacteria infection is to start from the hubbies... from there, slowly make your way to the 'main motherboard'...
but I feel that you realy realy have to talk to your hubby... because in order to make this whole 'plan' works, he must be on your side first... it is very impt..

perhaps you can be more emotional to your hubby? if he realy realy loves you, I think if you pour your heart out to him in a very soft and poor thing way, he will soften down and think ral carefully abt wat his very own mother is doing to the further of her very own precious son...

I actually have a friend... now she's ROM with the guy liao... the guy mother is a single mum, bring up the boi alone since young... no other siblings... so the guy is very filial to her.. during dates... he will also bring the mother along.. *funi isn't it??* one incident...

as usual, the 3 of them was walking along the street... all holdings hands together... the guy in the center... so came along a lamp post... the guy has to let one of the hand go in order to 'get thru it'... so guess wat.. the guy actually let the girlfriend hand go leh... my friend was hoping mad... arghhh.. when I heard this I was shock... cause my friend loves him whole-heartedly... eventually they broke off.. than patch and on and on.. finally now married.. but the mother continues to be a strain on the marriage... eventually her hubby also wans her to be with the family with all her heart ... literally cut her contact with her own family and friends... sigh.... but this kind of things is like willing wan lor... she can choose to break free from thiss... but she did not... its like the guy is her whole world... even her own family also very disappted with her... sigh.. Wat to do???
Hi there Annliya,

Guess what when hubby serves food to me, he must also do that to his mother. Or she will be very upset. And it must be the same dish, same timing as me. There was one incident like this, and I told hubby that you need not have to serve me. I can help myself.

Mil is getting out of hand most of the time. Guess what there was once when his family went out for a celebration and hubby told me to go along after much persuasion.

Sil took the baby near me and ask her to call me. And in front of sil, hubby and a baby, mil said how on earth would a baby call her cos she seldom comes. Hubby knows that mil was wrong and said sorry and told me that everything will be over soon. I just ignore mil after that.

When home, hubby quarrelled with me and said that I was not understanding. He claims that mil meant is that baby could not call me as I seldom see her. Gals, dont you think it is very ridiculous? In the end, after that whole thing when they ask the kids to address me, I just simply told them not to do so. They are still young, do not stress on them.

In fact, I do not need kids to address me at all. It is not a compulsory issue in my opinion. Most of the time, I would just say hello girl girl or boy boy that all. Need not have to address me as auntie in the traditional manner as in , san sen, si sen etc.

My hubby also feels that one should discard the family upon marriage. But to me, my mother gave birth to me and it is in no way I will give up my family. My sil even told me that she visits her family whenever hubby is not around. I told hubby and he was shocked to hear that.

Mil and fil also join second and third sil and family whenever they go out. I told hubby that I do not like anyone to tack along with us just our family unit only. Hoped that he gets my hint.

Chilipadi, will talk to hubby about counselling. But my issue is that he might not want to go. He is a man of great pride and refuses to admit a failure in anything he does.

Hi Faith,
Your MIL is really scary - thank Goodness my MIL is not like that else there will be hell in the household.

Unfortunately for you, all her sons seems to be like Mama's boys and she knows the power she has over them. She seems to take delight in antagonising her DILs, or is it my imagination? I think counseling is a good idea - not just for you but for the whole family. Sometimes, people will actually listen when a 3rd party speaks.

I've this gf whose marriage was breaking down because of inteference from her in-laws. She made her hubby go and see the counselor and the counselor told them that the MIL is part of the problem, she cannot let go of the son. And if everybody wants the marriage to work, the MIL has to learn to let go and stop intefereing.
My GF's hubby had to go and speak with his Mother about how their inteference has affected his marriage and they backed off after that.

I wonder for your family, how long can all the DILs in the family tahan your MILs nonsense? If this goes on, there will be cracks in all the marriages which could potentially lead to divorce. All the sons need to be start realising that they have a responsibility to be a husband and father and not just a son. But then again, some men are blind. They always fall for the frail old mother and tears tactic - unless they are like my BIL and SILs and hubby who knows their mum's tricks so they ignore her.
OK after reading about all the monster-in-laws, I think my own MIL is not that bad after all, she is only stingy, lazy and has a big mouth. Still tolerable if I master the one ear in, one ear out trick.

I am lucky that my hubby is totally bo-chap about his mother. But I guess in many cases the hubby and mil come in one whole package, so when choosing boyfriend also must choose his mother as well.

My sils never call me Dao Sao (my hubby is the oldest), because mil never teach them to do so. I myself also try not to call mil "Mother" or fil "Father", because I find it very weird. My hubby even worst, still call my father "uncle" and my mother "auntie".
yah tamarind, i agree that hubby and MIL comes in 1 package. last time, i was so vexed abt my then BF (now hubby) just bcos of his mom. then my dad sat me down and told me that i m going to be with my BF, not the mom. so dun need to bother abt her.... after i have gotten married, i realised i ganna bluffed.... :D

my hubby is not totally bochap abt his mother.. he is infact a very filial son... just that i m lucky that he doesn't close his ears to reasoning.. if my reasoning sounds logical, he will go tell his mom off, which happens most of the time lah. can u imagine that the mom is still asking my hubby to sleep with her in the same room despite he is married and 30 yrs old liao? she say that she missed the old times when they all were sleeping together.. arggghhhh... dun say i feel funny, hubby also feel weird.. but din sleep with her in the end lah.
Dear hatred,

I really pity you. We are in the same boat. Same thing happen to me. I cannot get along with my MIL but she makes us go to her place every weekend because she wanted to see my son. My hubby is very filial so he would obey her.

Right now, the matter has not been resolved and I am still trying to find excuses not to go to my MIL house. I will tell my hubby to go a short while then go home. Luckily my mum is looking after my boy.

My in laws, very weird. My FIL never carry my son from birth till he is about 8 months old. When we bring my boy near him, he will avoid and ran off saying he does not know how to carry him. My hubby told me that his dad has not carried him when he was young. Imagine that so MCP.

My MIL is very possessive type. She hates me the moment I am married into the family. She indicated that she wanted to join us for our honeymoon and insist we share a room with her and my sis in law. So disgusting right. As such, when we went for our honeymoon,my hubby just tell her that he went outstation and I just tag along. When I go her house, she will pour soup for her son only. She only talk to her son and give me a black face when I am alone with her in the kitchen.

Take care and if you wish to talk to somebody you can write to : [email protected]

We are in the same boat and really understand the situation you are in.

I know this issue will not be resolved so easily. My hubby will tell me to ignore my MIL and her nonsense. She is old already so need to give in to her.
After reading all the msgs here, kind of relief that i am not the only 'sufferring' from MIL problems.
Previously still think it might be ME, who is too fussy :-(
Hi all,

I am glad to finally find this forum. I start having mil problems after my bb girl was born in Jan and I wondered am I having post natal blues or depression.

The story goes like mil and fil are divorced. My fil doesn't stay in SIN but he will come back her occasionally to work. He will stay with his son and daughter if he is in SIN. My mil remarried and so she doesn't stay with my husband. My husband stays with his sis but she is more at her bf place than at home This is how their life is before our marriage. And my husband simply bo chup about them cos whenever I mentioned about pil he would say never mind about them. I got married with the thinking that I won't have mil problems because she doesn't stay in the same household as us. But I was wrong.

Before my bb as born, I could still talk to mil but things make a change after giving birth to my bb gal. 1st my mil shifted in to stay with me during my confinement (I did my confinement at my mum's place...our agreement is to have her stay at nite only but it din happen this way). Then when I dun have milk flow yet she tells me last time when she had her son and daugther, she has alot of milk (she says she has big breasts). next when my bb gal was crying, she would think that my bb is hungry and makes formula milk for her. Her reason is bb would be hungry after a poo.Then when my milk flow came, she would eagerly ask me to breastfeed my bb whenever she cries if I dun she will carry the bb around and say to my gal that 'Oh! u hungry huh? drink water lah'...if I am not in my room and bb cries immediately after I breastfeed, mil will go and make formula milk for her...alot of things happened lah that if I write would be very long. After my confinement, my mil din take the initiative to say she is going home, my husband had to tell her to pack up and I am staying back for 1 week to learn how to take of my bb from my mum. Then during the one week's stay at my mum's place, my husband had to go on an overseas business trip. He suggested that his mum comes over to my mum's place and stay...initially I said ok relunctantly but later I called my mil to say it is abit inconvenient to stay. Guess what mil told me? She say her son ask her to stay over at my mum's place to help out (that is not true cos we dun need her help at all)...

Then after confinement, I moved back but I was already buey song with her. I tried staying at home with mil but it was impossible...tears would just flow and mil doesn't talk to me...cos I think by now she knows I dun like her so she would just shun away from me...if I am in living room, she would not be there...then if u see the way she cooks u would prefer that she doesn't cos she will take newspaper to cover the entire kitchen table and then using a big wok to cook (crazy she is cooking for only 2 of us)...I cud not take it so I would run back to my mum's place in the morning when my husband goes to work. Initially I would not tell him where I go but eventually he guessed where I went. So this is my daily schedule during my maternity leave.

Finally my maternity leave is over. And guess what my insensitive husband say to me...he asked me if I can leave the kid with mil for one week cos after that she is going back to work. His reason is because he finds that his mum is very lonely when both of us goes back to work. I did not agree to it cos there is no one else at home to help her. Then he mentioned he will take leave one of the day and the bb can be with them. I was pissed when he said that cos when I was on maternity leave, he never bothers to take leave to accompany me...I din insisted on him taking leave when I was on maternity leave cos I know he is busy with work.

After mil goes back to work, she would come by on Sat evenings and stayed over. Before bb was born, she would come on Sat afternoons and then goes home...I can say I only see her once a mth or lesser. Usually on Sat I would be at my mum's place and stay over for dinner so by the time we reach home is about 8:30pm. I would never expect mil would turn up at this hour...because of her this behaviour, I begin to fear to hear doors open because I dun want to see mil at all (forgot to mention that at this time I am paranoid about leaving my bb with mil alone because I fear she would feed my bb with milk or some other drinks). I did ask my husband why mil comes and stay over and he replied that mil wants to see the bb (the problem is bb bedtime is 9+) so how much can she see the bb? Then if I ask him is she having problems with her 2nd husband, he would tell me off why I think of this way.

Now mil doesn't come by on Sat evenings instead she would pop by on Sun and spend the whole day with my gal. Like what inouvi gal and tamarind mentioned, I would go out and then come back later. Once I am back and mil is still ard, I would stay in my room and pretend not to hear any noise. I tried to bo chup and let mil look after my gal but each time I let mil do it, mil would do funny things that pissed me off. My gal's bb cot is in our room and I always put her to sleep either on our bed or bb cot. But when mil starts coming by on Sun, she would put my bb gal to sleep in the guest room (aka fil room). I dun want to ask my husband why they do it cos I know his answer is his mum afraid I dun like it... She would hog onto the bb the whole day lor...I see liao very buey song but I can't say would keep carrying my bb ard the house...then would complain my gal perspiring (of course body heat and bb's one definitely she will be hot)...I can't tell my husband how I feel because he would say his mum hardly get to see the bb so I am on the losing end...

Bottom line is I really cannot take it why after the bb is out, mil starts to appear and intervene into our husband is really boh chup abt his own family because he always say each has their own life so he doesn't bother abt them. But because of mil appearance my husband starts to be filial...can u imagine ur pil starts to start at your place when the bb arrived? For my mum, she would just come by and then go home because she say it is more comfortable to be own home then at others. Till now I still regret to be pregnant...I am prepared to the extent that if mil bothers some more, I want to tell my husband she can have the bb and let the bb call her mum instead of me....I also ever tot of 'D'...

I try to tell myself dun behave this way cos afterall it is his mum but I just cannot make myself to accept mil as before. Whenever I see her I would pull a super long face. I drags for Sunday to come cos that would mean I have to face mil again. I dunno what is going to happend if there is long mil going to come every day or stay over? Because on May day, we brought our bb gal on her first trip to Malaysia and Vesak day, I invited my frens over to our place.

I really wished that the day would come for me to be able to accept mil and sit at the same table for dinner.

Some of my frens I spoke to say we need to communicate. What do you think?
Hi Postnatal Blues,

Poor gal, bottling up your frustration for so long, can't imagine how you do that...

If you read my postings months ago, you will realise that we gave birth at the same month to baby girls and also encounter MIL problems during our confinement. I too tot that I would not survive the whole ordeal and 'D' pops up every now and then.

Can relate to how you feel. My relationship with MIL is pretty good before I popped, but things are different now. Not sure if it is due to hormonal change, but I realise that I'm really protective of my baby and actually detest my MIL to touch my baby. In order to avoid further conflicts during then, I often go out to shop and even end my ML earlier to go back to work.

May I asked if your baby is your MIL's first grandchild? If she is, then I can understand why she keeps coming to your house. Grandparents loves their grandchild more than their own child, this is just natural instinct. She may not meant to intervene with your life, just that she hopes to have more time with her grandchild and when she does so, that's when you feel she's intervening.

My MIL sometimes just blunt out things which are not pleasing to my ears and they sound extremely stingful during my confinement. She did not mean it, but when cooing to the baby, she just say what comes to mind and didn't take too much into consideration what it might mean to you.

Your husband becoming filial might also be caused by witnessing your child's birth and it hit him that his mum had such a tough time during birth and he realised that he should just be a little more filial than before.

Please don't regret about having your precious baby and being pregnant. Your baby is the most precious gift God has present to you. You should love your baby more. I can relate that it is painful, I have been through that. I survived and so can you. It takes time to adjust to motherhood and also to get tuned to relationship with MIL, you are halfway through and almost there. Please don't give up.

I look back at my confinement and realised as a first time Mum, I only have 'eyes' for my family "hubby, baby, myself" and have totally left out my MIL so when she starts coming into the picture, I backed off and freaked out. I started writing diaries during then and sob everytime I write. Just couldn't accept the idea of having MIL into the picture.

Look on the bright side and hey, by having MIL to look after your child, you can have quality time with your husband. This is important, to have paktoh time and rebuild and strenghten your relationship.

If you are uncomfortable with your MIL feeding 'things' to your baby, invite her during one of the injection trip to PD and pose questions to PD about feeding 'things' to baby. Let PD highlight on the consequences if certain 'things' are fed to baby. Bear in mind that Honey is a taboo thing to feed to baby.

About communication, it depends. For my case, can't work, cos sometimes I find her very defensive and avoids serious communication and might get offended at times. I realise that actions are better. I have been doing some stuff and heck I hate it, but looking at the bigger picture, things are getting better.. so why not.

If you would like, email me at [email protected] for chats. I'm still figuring ways to 'handle' my MIL and we can share tips and can also 'grumble' to each other should we encounter 'stunts' from MIL again.

The above is just my point of view and my apologies if some contents proves offending to you.

Take care mate!
Hi Postnatal blues,
I have a MIL staying with me, and we have so much problems too. When I think of those problems I felt so angry. Maybe i can just cite some examples

. mil say my breastmilk has no substance because bb hungry easily
. mil always forget to give my baby ebm , and she prefer to use FM
. mil when make milk, like to put her finger at the tip of the teat, and shake bottle up and down to make it more bubbles
. mil like to give my baby pacifier as and when she like it , whether or not bb sleeps.
. mil does not close the infant formula tin carefully
. mil commented that the way i make fm is so thin, baby wont drink enough
. mil commented about the toys i bought
. mil always tell me that those books i bought are too "old" for my young infant
. mil likes to let baby taste and test adult food
. mil gives baby glucose as daily drink, but has stopped yesterday when we threaten her that baby will get Asthma attack if drink too much
Hi Emonster,

It is great to know that you shared the same predicament as me. All that you have written is excatly how I am feeling inside. It is difficult to tell or express it to another person unless he/she has been through it before.

Yes, my bb is her 1st grandchild.

Till now I don't like my mil to touch my daughter. When I know that she is coming on Sun (which I already know by now that would be our Sun routine) I would show my frustration to my husband or say things to spike him. He would ask me why am I feeling so frustrated but I can't tell my husband because I know he would defend for mil or he would feel hurt to hear that I don't want mil to come over. I can't make him disown his mum for my sake.

Yes, I would drop you an email soon to share with you my sorrows and frustrations as well as understand how you managed to overcome it. Right now I have problem accessing to my hotmail.
Hi Staywithmil

The first 2 points you have stated is exactly what my mil did during my confinement. So mil would feed my bb when I just finished breastfeeding her and I am not in my room. As a result I became paranoid.

My mil doesn't stay with us but she has a set of keys to the house(this house is under her name and my husband's). She will come and go as and when she likes. I also start to become paranoid to hear doors open as I am afraid to see mil (this was caused by the few times that she did in those Sat evenings).

Dun you have the thought of wanting to buy your own apartment when u think of those frustrating incidents? (I have)
Hi all,
I am new to this thread. Not that i have very serious MIL problems but i guess you won't really know till you have certain events happening in your life.

My baby is due next Jan and my MIL did offer to come during my confinement if i get a maid instead of CL and my hubby seems fine on that arrangement. But so far, btwn me and my MIL, we dun have much to talk abt so i m not keen. Also, he intends to ask MIL to come and take care of the baby after i go back to work. (Initially he wanted to bring baby to her place but i said no as I don't wan baby to travel back and forth so far everyday and of cos i dun wan to have to go back everyday.) so he said he will ask her to come instead.

Think most of you can understand if I say that i definitely prefer my own mother but my mum stay very far from me.

how should i put it nicely that i prefer to get a CL (even though it will cost a lot over NY) than having MIL over as I think it may open door for conflicts?
Sing Yee,
I think having MIL over is a big NO NO. Try your very best to prevent it ! How about this : bluff her that your body is weak, so cannot do anything at all during confinement, and someone has to take care of baby day and night, plus do all the housework, so it will be too tiring for her.
Hi staywithmil,

I stay with my MIL too, in fact the correct fact is, she is staying with us.

I experienced most of the points you mentioned too, but the point on not closing the formula milk tin properly is unacceptable. If I'm you, I'll probably collect ants and put them into the tin when I'm about to make milk and scream loudly (best to do it when hubby is around) and show the tin to your MIL and throw away the whole tin (if you intend to do this, make sure you have another tin on standby). I'll rather throw away the whole tin and teach her a lesson. If she continues, buy those milk storage containers which you bring along when you are out. Fill them up for each day usage and hide the tin.

Can't imagine why your MIL wants to feed your baby with glucose everyday? Baby will develope sweet tooth... Invite your MIL on a trip to PD and ask PD questions which you are uncomfortable on and make sure PD explains clearly to your MIL. My colleague actually call up PD to arrange a 'show' so as to stop her MIL from feeding honey to her baby. Do that if you must.
Hi Postnatal Blues
Me too, sometimes, I still can't stand my MIL to touch her, that is when she's coughing away and into her hands. Often she don't wash her hand, but just brush it against her butt and continue handling my baby.

I don't tell my hubby what I think about my MIL and things I can't stand her. Sometimes when I just can't take it, I'll just bring baby to my room and stay there. As I don't let baby sleep in aircon, I can't close the door and sometimes she still rush in if she hear baby laughs.

My husband also tends to defend his mum, and so I keep most things to myself. I'm glad I have someone to confide in now. Keeping things to oneself is really a terrible feeling. Drop me a mail soon. Can't wait to share things!

Hi tamarind,

The thing is we may be getting a maid to help out. So if I have a maid, of cos it will not be tiring for MIL to come and help right? I am just more worried about conflicts and when there's conflicts and the wife complains, it makes the wife looks petty right?
And i think i wd be pretty uncomfortable and have to be more conscious of everything i do when she's ard....dun think i will like that esp when i m feeling so tired already...
