Any comment on Dr Joan Thong of Raffles hospital

Hi Orange,
My baby was delivered by Dr Thong in Sept 05 and currently I'm seeing her cos I just tested positive again.
She's a very nice and patient doctor. The nurses r all very friendly as well.

i also just started seeing Dr Thong. btw, is she know to do good 'sewing' anyone know?

And is it thru she is slightly more expensive?

Hi Retmc,
did u deliver at Raffles Hospital - how do you find the room and is the birthing area nice?
Hi regtmc,

I am also considering Dr Thong. I think she is nice.

When you delivered at Raffles, was the birthing area nice? What kind of room?

Do you know if she does good 'sewing' if we cannot go by naturel birth?

Hi Folic and regtmc,

Thanks for the postings.

Regtmc: CONGRATS!! May i know how much did you pay in total for your last delivery? I saw on the forum that it seems RH is one of the more expensive hospital and total cost is about 10K? is that true?
butter8, i think dr thong is very competent. I had a slight tear during the birth (no episiotomy, natural tear) and she sewed very nicely such that my healing process was very smooth. I find the labour ward very nice, not so clinical.

orange, I think the fees will all depends on how complicated is your case. I don't think Raffles is any more ex than the other pte hospitals.

thanks folic!

I am exited, seen all the good remarks on Raffles, i cant wait to go look around. I think after i see it , i wont want to go elsewhere

my mum say why chose in CBD, but i told her why she worry kekeke she wont be going there regularly until i give birth and that would only be for a few days rite

the parking there should be ok.. do u know if they give any free parking hehehe
butter8, Raffles is jus outside CBD
And it's near bugis so can go shop shop after check up. Parking is ok not packed like Mt E or Gleneagles.

Hey gals, just to share - if you pay your bill via DBS Platinum, your parking will be waived and you will also received 10% discount from your total bill
I think DBS womans card also enjoy the same benefit. you might want to check out as am using platinum card ! cheers
Hi ladies,
I had natural delivery with epidural, 4 hrs later I was walking around liao...hehehe. I've not visited other hospital's delivery suite, the one I had was quite big and cosy. It comes with a leather armchair where ur hb can sleep. As for the price, I stayed 3days 2 nites at a 2 bedded. I had additional 1 nite or else my bill should be much lower. It costs me around $3.2k cash. They provide confinement food in the menu. My friend whose baby was also delivered by Dr Thong, she stayed in 1 bedded and paid around $4.2k cash. To me staying in a 2 bedded is as gd as 1 bedded cos I'm the only one occupying. Parking is very convenient but of cos not free lah. Not sure abt the DBS card u mention.
At first I also tot RH is the most expensive but after finding out the price I think it's quite reasonable. There's a lot of privacy and not many ppl deliver there. Unlike some other hospitals, look like fish market.
Re: Dr Thong

I am a patient of Dr Thong since 2000. she has been a very nice n patient lady gynae. Someone who i can rely on and ask questions.

She delivered our girl in oct 05. I had a long labour as i cant dilate. but Dr Thong never failed to visit me constantly at the suite at 6pm, 8pm, 10pm and 12am. She went home there after n mentioned to be back at 3am. at 2am, the midwife called her back, and in 15mins... she is in the suite.

Re: Stitching
I recovered real fast and as for nice stitches or not... frankly, i dun think we all can see lahz.

Re: $$
her antenatal from 2k while her colleagues start from 2.2k.
I stayed in 1-bedded and paid abt 5k in cash after deduction of medisave

Regtmc: sep 05 and now BFP! COngrats.. are u a breastfeeding mother? i wish i can be BFP too..
but i cant cos i am breast feeding now..

Does ur $3.2K includes the $2k paid to Dr Thong? Or the $3.2K is a separate bill, and u paid $2k separately to Dr Thong? Thanks.
hehehe i c ic... so cant see lar..
to me as long no pain or less pain as possible... :p

I dunno just asking cuz i notice some people post how wonderful their doc stich
My milk stop during the 2nd week. My 1st child was conceived tru ivf and I transferred my last 2 embies on Christmas Eve. Din wan to wait as it's not easy for me to concieve due to block tube and hormone imbalance. Just wanted to deliver once and for all.....hehehe

My $3.2k is inclusive of $2k package. I think I stayed additional 1 nite. Admitted on Sun and discharged on Wed. I am allowed to choose the date and time to deliver eventhough i'm induced cos Dr Thong can estimate the time to starting inducing. Quite amazing isn't it?

As for stitches, we really don't know. But I think as long as we r comfortable, the stitches should be great.
regtmc: indeed, she is amazing.. kekeke.. Ivf, how much isit? my gf is checking out too.. she oso gng to see her as well. Once again congrats! i am really wanna try for my 2nd one. and 3rd one 2 yrs later.. whahahaha..

butter: lol epidural no pain. stitch oso no feeling. whahahaa.. ask me if pushing the bb pain? no i cant feel a thing. but hb did mentioned to me he saw lots of blood.. whahaha.. wanna see the stitches, take a mirror lor. keke..
I did my ivf in kkh, it's cheaper. I spent abt $7k and medisave claim was $5k +. Succeed on first try. The recent frozen embryo transfer cost me $880, i claim full from medisave cos I got no intention to do anymore.
During my last appt with Dr Thong, she told me she's doing ivf in RH rite now.
Butter, it's true no pain at all with epidural. Should say no feeling at all. The minute i admitted i asked for it cos since I already decided might as well do it in the beginning. Din wan to endure the pain for 5 hrs and had epidural, it's not wise....kekeke.
My epidural was given by Dr Chew, Dr Thong's bro-in-law.
When I was in the delivery suite, the anasthetician came in, the nurses intro to me saying tis is Dr Thong's bro-in-law. Then later his wife(Dr Thong's sis) came in. Really look alike, heard they r twins. But I din ask her lah. She's also an anasthetician.
Hi Girls
I am thking of signing up with Raffles too but I'm with Dr Tan not Dr Thong. Dr Tan did my endometriosis cyst surgery hence I will be with him for my pregnancy too :p

Yes. You can use DBS woman's card to get 10% and they are having a promo now. If you sign up for 2 bedder, they will give you a single bedder instead just by topping up $50 a day ! Good deal har :p

May I know how much is Dr Thong's package? Dr Tan's package is $2k. Another gynae Dr Lee (lady) is $1.8K.

I am wondering whether $2k is expensive ?
riu: Dr Lee's package is 2.2k, check with many friends and even the staff nurse too.

antenatal & bedding packages are not entitled to the 10% discount. only Al-la carte rooms (Off the rack) then got 10%.

is 2k expensive? if u get a good gynae and is concern abt patient's well being, its totally worth it. i paid 2k for antenatal, and always thinking my hb will fuss abt the $, but he said, as long as she is good, and able to attend to both baby and my needs, $ will be the secondary issue.
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for sharing. What does the $2k include? Does it include ultra-sound scan every visit, urine test and vitamins? Is the $2 unlimited visits or limited? Can Dr Thong deliver at other hospitals like TMC and Mt. A?

Jade: Dr Thong will only deliver in RMH. 2k - ur scans (exclude 3D scans), all vitamins (exclude NeuroGain), urine test for visits after 3rd mth. 2k excludes all swap test, first trim. scan, detail scan.

unlimited? 3rd - 8mth mthly visit, 8th-9th fortnightly, 9th-10mth weekly.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for the info

I wonder whether i m right in my estimate, can help to confirm?

If let's say i see the doc at 8th week, i need to pay $200+ for 1st visit + scan. 4 wks later i can sign up the package which is $2k, incl. scan + vitamins + urine test + delivery & hospital visits(??).

But at wk 16, i need to pay for the blood test (how much?), and at wk 20, i need to pay for the detailed scanning (how much?)

Then i need to pay for the hospital package for 3 days 2 nites for natural delivery for a 2 bedder. Fr the above, the est. for the package is abt $1k???

Is my est close to the actual cost?

Since i hv already done the 16th wk blood test for my 1st delivery, i wonder whether i will need to do it again for the 2nd time??

hehehe lucky ur hubby can stand the blood then..
my hubby has already asked if he can dun see... kekeke
before 12th week - all payment is not including the 2k.

12th week - antenatal package (only pay 70%, and the 30% pay upon delivery)
12th week - First trim. scan abt $440 (include the triple test, blood test)
20th week - detail scan abt $400 (cant recall the exact amt)

the delivery package for a 2bedded for 3D2N is from $1288.

i paid total $5k in cash after all Medisave but exclude all the tests and scans.
Hi Carole,
Thanks for answering my qns, and giving me the costs details, at least now i hv a better idea of the cost involved.

For my 1st born, i hv a very good gynae which cost much lesser. His package is only $550. And i stayed in TMC, two bedded, spent only $300+ cash after medisave deduction. But i can see tt the gynae is getting very popular, and he is delivering many babies a yr, on avg, 2-3 babies a day .... wonder whether i shld go back to him or look for someone else who is good and able to give full attention to the mother when she delivers ....

I would prefer to save the money for the bb instead of spending on a more costly gynae and hospital .... but at the same time, i also think tt its impt to hv a gynae who can give the mother and bb full attention during delivery ... hmmm .... in a dilenma ....
jade: i was oso thinking.. how come u asking abt the breakdown. cos if u have been delivered by someone already, why wanan change a gynae.

I was with Dr Thong since 2000. so i would love to go back to her for my 1st child, of cos tt time i did ask my hb if i can go back to her but leting him know tt her charges isnt gng to be cheap. and he was ok with it. after the birth birth of our little girl, hb did mentioned tt the charges at RMH isnt tt expensive after all as its a pte hosp and its facilities are rather new. on comparison with my friends who delivered same time as me in an another pte, we felt the $ is well spent.

i did hint my hb if the 2nd child gng to stay with Dr Thong, he said, why change?!!??!??!.. so the next one we gng back to Dr Thong again.
its at Raffles Hosp. Women's Clinic Level 12. She only station there and no where else.

hope this info will help u.
Once again, you're like Dr Thong's spokeswoman, singing praises of her
Hmm, why not ask her to give you discount for your 2nd pregnancy since you advertise so well & bring in new clients for her. kekeke.. kidding..

Just to add.. I paid $2.5k for hospital charges (after medisave deductions) for 2 bedder, natural assisted delivery + epidural. Then add another $2k for antenatal + ~$1k for tests, consultations, medicine etc. Total of $5k+ cash for the entire pregnancy.
carole, your bill is for 1 bedded or 2 bedded?? Anyone look at the suite before? Nice?

joyful, you know the more I see Dr Thong, the more I like her! hehehe!

BTW can ask you moms a question, when you are admitted into the hospital, the nurses will give you something to clear your bowels right? After that can we bathe?? Also do we have to bring our own towels huh? I'm trying to cut down the amount of stuff in my hospital bag!
Ginger: mine is 1 bedder.
yes the nurse give me something via the anal and clears the vowels. bathe? u sure u wanna bathe? i showered before i admit.. kekekek... i brought nothing much there.. i am sure the next delivery, i wont be bothered to bring my own clothes! whahahahhaah. Like u. the more i see her i more i like her.. but dun kena scolded by her lor. i kena once, i got scare.. kekeke.. well but i know tt time she scolded me for my own good as well as for my bb.

Joyful: mai talk to you liaoz. whahahaha. mai friend u, cos u never come my house. singing praises, well she is good she is lor.. right bo? kekeke.. discount? i dun need lahz. its not a must have, but a good to have! whahahhahahaha
carole, thanks for the prompt reply, i just want to aga how much i need to pay for the cash portion. heard some moms say we need to ask the nurse to separate mom's bills and babies to get more deduction from medisave?

huh serious huh, i know you went thru with me before, but can you tell me if 2nd time what will you bring to hospital? cuz my bag is overflowing!!!

Errr the reason i ask about bathing because i like to bathe after pooing, habit lah! then labour is a long time leh, dun wanna be smelly hahaha!!!
ginger: simple, they provide u with the gowns during ur stay, just ur discharge clothes. the pads are provided too. bb clothings (mitten, booties, romper n blanket to wrap bb) just bring the discharge too. bb pampers too provided so no need to buy.

i paid abt 5k+ in cash for 1 bedder.
hee hee.. ok ok.. go to your house after I recovered, I've cough & running nose now, dun wan to spread to little Clarisse.

In my opinion, Dr Thong is v professional & experienced, but can be stern if you don't do things right.

Agree with Carole that it's better to bath at home first.
Can wash backside after pooing lor ;-)
You can pick up a leaflet from the hospital on what items to bring.

I find the hospital gown a bit inconvenient when bf, so you may want to bring your own front-opening pajamas. Oh, and a pair of slippers or sandals.

You can oso request for tour of the delivery suite & maternity ward. Very new, nice & comfy
thanks moms, err to recap, this is what I have in my hospital bag, pls help me delete unwanted items!!

1) 2 pajamas (might take one out since hospital provides! but the one hospital provide is one piece right?

2) 3 pcs disposable underwear
3) 3 maternity pads (in case!!)
4) 2-3 pcs disposable breast pads (do we need this?)
5) 2 pcs bra
6) 1 pair slippers
7) toiletries like facial cleanser etc (toothbrush, toothpaste and shower stuff are avail right?, errr but we need to pack for hubby right?)
8) towel
9) camera / charger / hp charger
10) big water bottle
11) wet wipes and tissues
12) nipple cream
13) float to sit on!

that's about all i brought
PADS: take away! no need one... RMH will give.
Breast Pads: No need... first 2 days no milk no engorement.
water bottle: best to avoid water, cos after birth i drank lots of water, then water retention, ask for red dates drink if nt ask mum to make n bring there.
Wet wipes: for who? baby is given wet wipes J&J
nipple cream: no need la
toothbrush & toothpaste : RMH Provide, so no need to bring... (if u taying at single bedder, ur hubby gng to stay with u, u can request for toiletries for him, so no need to bring too)
gowns: rmh provide many pieces.,.. just ask for it

Now i know why ur bag over load! hahahahah...
towel: i oso never bring.. whahah i use th hosp one. i am not so particular. kekekek...
wet wipes to wipe urself.. kekeke.. like me isit? always carry one big pack of wet wipes even before i got preggie! lol
wah one more thing to take out!
i must reorganise my hospital bah liao!
errr yah i cannot live without wet wipes leh, hahahahah
the hospital gown is 1-piece with strings to tie at the back.
And Carole is right abt taking away those unnecessary items to bring, makes your bag much much lighter!

Share with you another tip. On the day of discharge, you can request for a wheelchair to sit on, so that you don't have to struggle walking to the carpark or taxi stand. Somemore, a staff will push the wheelchair for you too
The best part is that it's free service!! kekeke
