(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

zz, mine is anytime after 15 march. how good if it is 10 mar which is me and hb's dating anniversary..

oh ya, i also realised that im not in the list:

Nick: wonderland

EDD: 6 April

Baby No : 1

Gynae : Msia

Hospital : Msia

Gender: Boy

I used to be with dr Fong Yang but kena summon back to msia after 1st tri as hb is mostly based in msia and family are all in msia...



Heee heee.. DH just took my WW33 picture last night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


was thinking that was the reason why he tested so early. In the beginning I saw him at mt. A too but due to hubby's work schedule we tfrd to woodlands.

ZZ & SStarlight

so exciting!

Seeing you all having signs of labour and fixing dates reminds me that I better get bb stuff settled soon just in case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to babyjng on the birth of your baby!

Cote, I am driving a Honda Jazz, not very nig as well. But we have planned to put our older girl on the front passenger seat with the seat pushed as far back as possible.

Baby will be in car seat placed in the centre of the back seat or where my older girl's car-seat was.

xj, if the supplements are not causing your rashes, then you should continue consuming them. Btw, if you need to come by my house with your hubby again, just contact me via SMS.

oh, I saw someone asking about ML. From what I remember, it's 16 weeks including weekends and PHs. But better to check with your HR for more details, cos different companies have different policies when it comes to PHs during ML.

dazz: oic.. okok.. that would work too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rantingbaby: mine is jazz too! looks like everyone's doing the same.. putting in the front.. bopian coz jazz really cannot fit 2 car seat at the back leh.

During my 1st pregnancy, i remember drinking quite an amount of tonic soup which consist of cordyceps... made by my MIL. but this time round, nothing yet. hahahaah.. Like Maddie, i'm not sure how to make the soup la.. otherwise, would have boiled it myself. haha..

As for coconut, i was told to drink it nearer to due date. Probably 2 weeks before EDD can start.

haha~! i think Jazz is a popular car among ladies huh! i used to drive a Jazz too! But had recently switched to SX4.

Ming8110, icic...then tats realli good news for us! :p

Coconut - will start taking 1 mth b4 EDD at a weekly rate bah...cannot drink too much too, coz too liang n high sugar content i heard.

Just had full full fish slice beehoon soup. So much, but i stil finished all! hehehe...later dept meeting got OCK curry pok n donuts...looking fw man!

haha..sorry gals, gonna do the paging system again

*Calling Calling for Orangey* - i have checked the maternal milk brand liaoz, posted last nite. U see if u wan k? I can pass to u this sat during lesson. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies, anyone doing cord blood storage for their bb? If so, which one will you be using? Stemcord or Cordlife?

I am thinking to do it but still cannot decide which cord blood bank to choose. Hopefully can get more information from mummies who have research about it....

Tiny Bubu

Oh.. ur hubby is going overseas for assignment? For how long? My hubby is going for IN CAMP TRAINING for 2 weeks, starting next week. I oledi feel very sianz liao cos I have a 17th month old toddler who is very active.. and I will be all alone at home!!! Angry…


For bishan, there is a OLIO DOME that is located at Bishan CC, which is behind bus interchange. I find it a suitable place for gathering cos not beri super crowded unlike J8 kopi bean or wat :p

hi ladies, i just joined this forum.. im expecting my first child, a boy, edd apr 19. im seeing dr adrian woodworth at his cck clinic n will be delivering in mt a.. will be seeing him later today as ive been having dizzy spells since yest morn.. hope it's nothing serious! =/

Goldfish, tats an excellent suggestion. Considering that it's weekend and last day of CNY, J8 sure crowded one. Olio Dome is sort of away frm the crowd. hehe...although i cant join tis sunday but i been staying at Bishan all my life till i got married.

Very sleepy now. Dun feel like doing work.

Goldfish, same! but i thought in camp training can come home?

Just called BBdust number. it is the public bank at KK hospital for donation. I will prob donate there...

juski, yah agree with goldfish there's a dome that's quite seclusive and less ppl .. but food wise so-so..

bishan also have cafe cartel but the food ehmmm not nice la in my opinion..

another place good fr gathering at bishan is Swensen.. can order ice cream somemore hehe


hey.. hi.. ok sure.. most likely end march.


After taking the supplements, it make me feel more heaty. And, I don't like to take pills. That why I am wondering is it necessary?

miyuki ... i'm banking my baby cordblood with cordlife ... my gynae say it's more internationally recognised while stemcord is more local. besides cordlife have a joint promo with TMC.

if anyone of u want to sign up with cordlife, i can be your referral to get your referral discount. pm me for details to get the referral discount. =)

yesterday night had a very bad nightmare.. i dreamt that i'm bleeding so badly and i lost my baby.. i even cried in my sleep, until my hubby woke me up then i realised it's just a dream.. i'm so scared.. immediately i felt my tummy, still there and round, and baby still moving then i'm more relieved.. such scary dream..

thank you BBdust!

wow.. Juye, take deep breath! relax! all these negativities not good for you and bb! SMILE!! =D

SG-SC, where do u stay in Bishan? I stayed at St 12, near Guangyang Sec sch tat side. Do u know whether Kuo Chuan is moving out of BIshan or not huh? Keke

When is the gathering held? Din reallie catch e details


Maddie, my hubby told me high chance may stay-in camp lo. I am pissed. We have appealed twice to defer and even go meet MP to write letter oso cannot defer. And what annoys me is that some chief clerk called my hubby to inform him that he cannot defer and must report back to camp. And added that ‘ask ur family or in-law to help ur wife lah. I also get my family to help me wif babyseat stuff liddat’

But I seriously dun haf any family support. My parents are old oledi, my in-laws are divorced. My FIL dun reallie care abt bb, my MIL is nothing but trouble. This is so damned annoying… govt keep complaining birth rate low, yet on the other hand, I haf govt officials here dun give a shit abt a 8mth old soon preggy wife with an active 17th month toddler at home ALONE. If anything going to happen (touch wood) at home, I am going to BLOW IT BIG.

pinkzee: i just access the link and read abt the labour signs.. i had the 1st sign.. the back pain n tummy cramps.. think mine just false alarm.. just tired only..

dazz: think i'm too stressed out at work recently, so had such bad nightmare..

goldfish: what idiot camp is that?? can your hubby's company help to write to defer saying that company don't allow him to go for reservist??


I'm here... *fly back* Sorry ah, today working from home and VPN is so slow. I don't mind but I paiseh too heavy for you to bring leh. Kekeke... If you bought it hor, you tell me how much lah, I pay you okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

goldfish, why so terrible one? my hb said his will be immediate deferment if i deliver during the period. means can cancel and do again another time.

goldfish, i thot army quite sympathetic towards family situations like these one...maybe it's just tat clerk.

anyway, surely they can allow him to go back at night? tat bit should be flexible rite?

bbdust, thanks! it was me who asked for the phone no for public cord blood banking. they will meet me for the interview and form signing when i go to the gynae's next wed.


wow such a vivid dream.


orh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me pea brain cannot remember who keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, my boss told my manager to ask me to work from home during my maternity leaves.. do u all think this request is too much?


Goldfish, KCP moving out mah??!! OMG..tats my pri n sec sch lei...heard tat aft my batch, the results there much better liao, not so notorius...hehehe,,,dunno wat that implies. My mum's house at St 13. Jus opp Zion Church. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U're staying Bishan or is ur family?

My HB also jus finished his 2 weeks reservist last mth. Tink they wont allow deferment unless the wife realli can give birth anytime within those few days or week kinda thing. Since we due in Apr, prob abit hard lei...

Orangey, no prob la. I can bring for u tis sat, but pls remmeber to tap mi hor, coz i dun recognise u n at least u've seen my back..heheheh...din buy them, is FOC, so no worries! :p

