(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs


i read somewhere before to reduce morning sickness, you put some plain crackers by your bedside and nibble on them when u wake up. this is to settle your stomach. also have six small meals instead of 3 full meals.
hi tongtong, i from dec mtb, u can try to break ur 3meals into 6 smaller meals so as to reduce morning sickness. try nt to eat too full and if possible, take some soupy food as advised by my gynae.
if urs is late for 1st pregnancy, most prob will also b late for 2nd pregnancy. then again every pregnancy n every bb is different. juz hv 2 wait patiently lor.
hi gals, do you have a tendancy to wake up earlier after preg? used to sleep in late on weekends, but since last week i have been waking up real early like today i woke up at 7am!!! Gosh, and cant seem to fall asleep after that, so surfing around lor...
i sleep quite early abit, but everynite i wake up alot of times wor.... i think it normal... oh well. since yesterday my left butt been feeling pain. like very tired kind.... normal?
i dun really have this problem as i am always an early bird. but, i do wake up a few times in the nite. and need to take afternoon nap.
hi all mummies..

now another thing for me to woory le.. Y'day i went to c my gynae.. My LMP was 30th apr n EDD is 6th Feb. Bt y'day gynae do the scan via stomach n even vaginal bt still couldnt detect bb's heartbeat.. when i heard it, my heart really sank n worried to death...

She told me the 2 possiblities.. either the dates r wrong (meaning i ovulate late) or.....
So she schedule me 2 wks later to see her again n mention by then will b able to see...

I think withi this 2 wks ,i cant stop worrying le...
Bt 1 thing is my menses not that regular de,even delayed 3 wks b4..
Any1 can advise me on that?
Inuovi gal

dun tink too much ba, maybe u really ovulate late?? i tat day go gynae cant scan anything, oso scare, but 2 week late sure can see de. my LMP 16/4 but ovulation est at 4-5 jun ba....
hi Cheryl,

sighz... lets pray hard n hope everything is fine ..
bt is your menses regular?
n when is your next appointment?
Inuovi gal

my menses been regular recently, but duno y this time like that.... next appt 5/7.... since i miss my menses till 7/6 i test is negative only 19/6 den positive...

both our next appt is v near... mine on 7th Jul..

thanks for your comfort... i try my best nt to think so much n leave it to destiny..

btw r u the one who got taka vouchers to sell last year huh?
cos i noe a lady oso by Dorothy fr this forum...
hey dorothy...

Yes its you! Hw have u been??

Your girl should b v happy to be a jie jie soon hor?
Cynthia, small world hor....

heehee... feeling better? so good to "see" familiar face.... when is your next appt?

She? haha... she kept asking me when she in sec 1, how old will her meimei be.... she's in pri1 now....

yr boi boi leh? got sign that he knows?

I just got tested positive...this will be my 2nd one...should be at 5 weeks!! think will use the same gynae back, Juliana at Pacific Healthcare @ Paragon
yalor.. so small world... hee n time really past fast if we dont really think abt it...

my next appt will b on 7 Jul (sat) bt to me its a long wait i tell u... to b frank, i cant really ease my mind.. All sorts of things came to my mind,be it gd or bad...bt of cos i do hope for the best...

Hee.. your girl so cute de.. hw she noes is meimei leh.. she likes to have meimei huh?

My boy huh,when i suspect i preggie, he always v clingy leh.. then after noe the results, we told him must sayang bb, he say want to beat bb wor...zzzzz
I tested positive on 10 May and went to see a gyn (13/5) after a confirmation from GP on 11/5. My mense cycle is 28days but for the past 2mth it was delay for abt 6-8days. The gyn was not able to scan anything, she said it could be a bit early to detect the baby. She asked me to go back in 2 week times but i am afraid that the same result will happen again. I am a bit scared now. Btw, does any mummies here experience unable to sleep in the night? I am quite ok in the morning but at night my stomach become bloated, backache nausea... Is it normal. Thanks a lot for the advices
Hello all, Good morning!

Hope everyone has a better start this week. I jus saw the gynae last friday, managed to hear heartbeat and see the fetus and yolk sac. Now 7mm, 7 weeks aprox. MTBs, don't worry to much, keep yourself happy and i m sure u will be able to see the bb soon.
Winter Sonata

did u mean jun??? cos if may, ur baby shd be able to see nw.. i oso cant see anything from the scan last week... abit worrying
i go check last wed. i guess shd be only 2 weeks + by the date of ovulation. but problem is my last menses is 16/4... i think i have quite late ovulation which happens at ard 5/6.... was worried when gynae scan nth. but he say maybe still early, so keep my finger cross
I am booking an appt on fri. I actually wanted to wait for another week before going again but I guess i am too worried so decided to go on coming fri. Hope everything turn out fine. where u have your check up?
i feel like going to another gynae to see, maybe can ask gynae to do V scan for me... but i guess i m too worried. my hb keep asking me not to... i m see Dr Adrian Woodworth from thomson women at cck
Cynthia, haha... your boi veri cute... 7 jul... good day leh...

starry, congrats!!!

Hi Julie/Winter, congrats!!! think positive....

anyone went for any blood test yet? on my last appt, week7, my gynae ask me whether wan to do blood test... i said next one...
cynthia, dun know leh... i think maybe for HIV... but i only week 9 this fri...

scare leh... pain pain... this one maybe the result of SO-IUI...

U? planned one? so this GSS got cheong or not?

btw, which gynae are u seeing? me thought of changing cos veri thired to travel to Mt A as clinic at mt a...
actually I was contemplating on a change of gynea. anybody got good recommendation for Mt E (near my work place)? but only looking for lady....
hi all,

Me just nose bleed. Wonder is it preggies will become very "heaty". Does anyone have remedies.

My MIL told not to drink too much cooling stuff but wonder what happen to me.

ya i dreaded of pain de...
even normal injections i oso scared...

mine not planned de leh..
pai sey wat is SO-IUI?

my gynae is Dolly Wee fr Mt E.
btw where u stay n work?

Julie, u want to consider Dr Wee?
hi inuovi,

me also part of the "scan cant see anything yet worried mummy-to-be"
My LMP is 13May, scaned last wed also cant see anything lor...also told to come back 2 weeks later, next appt 4 July...now thinking maybe should make it later because scarly go again still cant see anything arghhhh....

do you feel any symptoms yet? enlarged breasts, tiredness, Morning sickness, crampy abdominal?...my fren said if got symptoms means is a good sign...so these days i desperately feeling for symptoms...but todate i only feel enlarged slightly painful breasts, no tiredness at all yet...except i tend to wake up more at night and early in the morning....so i also worried and worried lor...anybody still not feeling much symptoms at 5-6week?

told cheryl, we just pray and hope for the best lor...i read books, tehy say to look out for bleeding and sharp abdominal pains...that is NOT a good sign...so cross our fingers that all mummies here dun have to encounter that and have a smooth and happy pregnancy!!!
oh yah...i also felt abit cramp at lower tummy on sunday morning...not very painful though...just slight pain...felt sore sore kinda feeling like menses cramps like that...but only for a while, dun feel that in the afternoon or today liao...

my gynae said the little cramps are normal...i also read that is because the abdominal muscles are stretching to accomodate the bb, something like that...so should be fine bah...
my breast is pain when touch, feeling tired but when sleep like cant sleep at time... keep waking up, abit of nauseous, plus the cramp loh. everyday sure will cramp a while... as long as no bleeding will be good ba.....
cynthia, SO-IUI is a type of fertilty treatment...

Cheryl/blurfairy, i too have cramps/sore breast/bloated stomach initially.now cramps not so frequent, but bloated stomach is sill there... breast veri sore n pain..

mtb, positive thinking ok...
hi morning everyone..

I think for your case is still early lor, think u r abt 5 wks plus when scan last week rite?
yah i do have enlarged breast n when touch,abit pain,last few wks more pain bt this a.m nt as much liao.. so i begin to worried lor..
I feel abit giddy too, tiredness mah kind of too...
yah i really hope like wat u mentioned..Hoping every mummies here had a smooth pregnancy n a healthy bb...Who is your gynae?

Btw u ask me gt cheong GSS or nt..
Actually i started to buy b4 GSS leh (silly rite?)
Iya cos i kan cheong mah,scared no stock after that.
Then actual GSS i didnt go le...
Hw abt u?

So Cheryl n Blurfairy n of cos me..
I really wish that our next appt come fast n hope can see our bbs grow n heartbeat..
blurfairy & Cheryl,

Just realised that our next appt dates r v near..
Cheryl on the 5th ,Blurfairy on the 4th n me 7th..
Really hope we can have gd news...
Cynthia, i din cheong GSS as i usually shop online...heehee... somemore, i just came back from HKG in end may... so spent a lot there already...

then when i came back, i found out that i preggie, so din buy any thing too as too early...
intially, i cant fit into my usual office wear... now can already cos i am losing weight....

wait til our 2nd tri, then we all can jio jio go shopping...

i have booked an appt with Dr LOh from KKH TPS... seeing him this fri....cant wait to see bb again.... this fri(29/06) will be week 9.... so exciting....

Cynthia/cheryl/blurfairy, dun worry so much ok... but must update bb's status...
my gynae is dr jocelyn wong from TMS..

oh, last night i calculate again...realise is early sixth week when i went for the scan...so not 5th wk, either doc said wrongly or i listen wrongly...but anyhow, just go for next scan lor...
btw ladies..

ever notice the wks we calculate compare to the ultra scan results r different?

On the gynaes' machines tend to be 1 wk later?
hi gals,

Went for see my gynae Dr Jocelyn Wong for the 1st time yesterday. She did a vaginal scan and detected the water sac and my tiny baby inside. She estimated that I am abt 6 weeks pregnant based on the size of the baby. I also managed to see the heartbeat.

Dr Wong left a good impression on both me and my hubby as she managed to clarify all my doubts even before I asked her. She gave me 2 printouts of my scan. Those who are still searching for a gynae, I will recommend her


not all gynae have vaginal scan machine?? i trying to find 1 that have, so that i can ask the gynae to scan
i tot all gynae should have the vaginal scan machine? did u ask ur gynae?

at first she used the tummy scan, can only see the water bag, cannot see bb. so she switched to the vaginal scan. maybe my tummy too much fats, block the view. hee...
