Post natal massage


Hi anyone knew any good and cheap post natal massage service ? My Edd on may '2016 . And I'm not yet find one .

Hi anyone knew any good and cheap post natal massage service ? My Edd on may '2016 . And I'm not yet find one .


You may wanna consider this Malay lady - Liza at 9720 7675. Her price is so much affordable than others. :)

Hi elizgoh,

Thanks for the recommendation . Do u know her price range ?



1st massage $75 ($50 massage & $25 wrap), subsequent $50. Daily payment.

But yours will be natural birth or c section? The latter one can only start massage 2 wks or later.

You may wanna consider this Malay lady - Liza at 9720 7675. Her price is so much affordable than others. :)

Hi . I also EDD on may and staying in the west. Do u mid sharing your review of Ms Liza.. her package and her pressure of the massage?
Hi anyone knew any good and cheap post natal massage service ? My Edd on may '2016 . And I'm not yet find one .
Try ms Yati recommended by one of the mummimies her. Her price is afordable too
But i havr tnot tried her massage yet.
Hi . I also EDD on may and staying in the west. Do u mid sharing your review of Ms Liza.. her package and her pressure of the massage?

Sorry to say that I've not try her massage bcos I went though c sect which my gynae advised no post natal massage allowed. But I liaised with Liza before & she's quite friendly & replied promptly. Several of my friends have engaged her services so I believe she's ok. Heard that she will advises you how many sessions require based on your situation.
You may want to give her a try Mdm Rosa - 90910617. I used her service about 2 years ago. Not bad. Affordable & skillful.

Hi Merlina,

Thanks for your recommendation.

I would like to try Mdm Rosa, can you please share your experience about her service? Thanks! :)
I use Madam Shasha 83833432 for my first pregnancy and now using her for prenatal she is awesome!! She is quite popular among mummies too! Her postnatal package is 2 hours comes with massage bed if you have the space price reasonable too! Very motherly she include training for infant massage as well. but must book early for slot.
Her HP number is 83833432

Hi! Does she have a website or fb page?
Hi anyone knew any good and cheap post natal massage service ? My Edd on may '2016 . And I'm not yet find one .

Hello mummy, very rarely can find a really cheap & good massage or for that matter, anything/ services. If it can be found, then likely the waiting time/queue might be quite long too.

I suggest you ask your close friend/relative/family for reccommendation that they have personally use before.

Jia you.
Hi mummies,

I happen to come across this post and like to share my experience with Aunty Iris. I had given birth last June via c-section and engaged her post-natal massage service.

Aunty Iris is an experienced post-natal massage therapist and her skill is fantastic. Most importantly, she is a certified therapist. Even just 1 to 2 days only, my mum-in-law could already see the result.

For anyone interested, you can contact her at 9452 6988. I am not sure how much is she charging now and suggest if you interested to find out more, can give her a call directly.
Hi mummies,

I happen to come across this post and like to share my experience with Aunty Iris. I had given birth last June via c-section and engaged her post-natal massage service.

Aunty Iris is an experienced post-natal massage therapist and her skill is fantastic. Most importantly, she is a certified therapist. Even just 1 to 2 days only, my mum-in-law could already see the result.

For anyone interested, you can contact her at 9452 6988. I am not sure how much is she charging now and suggest if you interested to find out more, can give her a call directly.

At which week did you start the massage after your c-sec?
Hello everyone,Just wanna share my post natal massage experience i had with Mdm Zara. I've just ended my full 10 sessions with her and it was really really good.

I am a first time mummy and honestly i feel quite miserable after giving birth to my baby girl. I feel so much pain at times, always feeling tired, no appetite to eat. Ive read online about mums having depression after giving birth is a common thing and i was really worried.
I consult my mother and she ask me to go for a post natal massage with Mdm Zara. She was recommended by my mum's friend.And i was surprised when she tell me 'your appointment with her is next week and i paid for u the deposit already'

Now, ive completed a full 10 sessions with her and has no regrets at all. At the comfort of your home, Her aromatherapy massage will last you 90mins(usually abit longer) with a wholebody hot stone placement, pilis, jamu and belly binding. There will be a variety of essential oils that i can choose to be applied on. Since it was a 10 session package, my baby gotten a massage for herself too hehe. Mdm Zara will then teach me how to massage my baby. On top of that, during my last session with her, i got a free yoga massage from her as well. Mdm Zara is really passionate in what she's doing and she is someone whom you can talk to with your problems. I've regret not knowing her earlier before my delivery(i blame my mother for this haha) so that she can do a pre natal massage on me. But anwy thanks mum, if it weren't for you, i really don't know what to do. Mother really knows best huh.

If any mummies want, can just book an appointment with her at 9380 4608. And if you got any queries, feel free to talk to her personally. I know that she will be glad to help.

If im not wrong she created a business name for her massage services, but i cant seem to rmb what is it called. She told me she also doing confinement nanny services but have to check with her if need more information. Luckily my mum is staying with me and is helping me out...if not i will need to engage her nanny service also,phewww haha
Hello everyone,Just wanna share my post natal massage experience i had with Mdm Zara. I've just ended my full 10 sessions with her and it was really really good.

I am a first time mummy and honestly i feel quite miserable after giving birth to my baby girl. I feel so much pain at times, always feeling tired, no appetite to eat. Ive read online about mums having depression after giving birth is a common thing and i was really worried.
I consult my mother and she ask me to go for a post natal massage with Mdm Zara. She was recommended by my mum's friend.And i was surprised when she tell me 'your appointment with her is next week and i paid for u the deposit already'

Now, ive completed a full 10 sessions with her and has no regrets at all. At the comfort of your home, Her aromatherapy massage will last you 90mins(usually abit longer) with a wholebody hot stone placement, pilis, jamu and belly binding. There will be a variety of essential oils that i can choose to be applied on. Since it was a 10 session package, my baby gotten a massage for herself too hehe. Mdm Zara will then teach me how to massage my baby. On top of that, during my last session with her, i got a free yoga massage from her as well. Mdm Zara is really passionate in what she's doing and she is someone whom you can talk to with your problems. I've regret not knowing her earlier before my delivery(i blame my mother for this haha) so that she can do a pre natal massage on me. But anwy thanks mum, if it weren't for you, i really don't know what to do. Mother really knows best huh.

If any mummies want, can just book an appointment with her at 9380 4608. And if you got any queries, feel free to talk to her personally. I know that she will be glad to help.

If im not wrong she created a business name for her massage services, but i cant seem to rmb what is it called. She told me she also doing confinement nanny services but have to check with her if need more information. Luckily my mum is staying with me and is helping me out...if not i will need to engage her nanny service also,phewww haha

Hi, can I chk with you on her rates for 10 sessions? Thanks!
Thanks! For her massages, does it help to push our uterus back in place & were the slimming effects good?
Np,Yup her massages help push my uterus back in place.The slimming effect is good for me and also i'm breastfeeding she help me with my engorgement
I tried diana for 10days sessions... her charges was reasonable. Shes young and skillful. Bt she change to a new no.. her new no is 94793566...
Mummy...for c sect advisable afta 3-4 weeks depending wit ur wound.. mostly gynae will let u go for massage afta e 3rd week...
If ure unsure abt it, do consult ur gynae.. :)
Jts: Today is 12 days after I gave birth to my 3rd LO, and just completed my 5th postnatal massage session.

I must said this is the BEST RESULT I ever gotten from a postnatal massage package

I had my C-sec and all they can do is to use their unique urut and lymphatic stroke to massage my whole body expect my tummy, but yet not just my body are overall slimmer, my tummy slim down a lot too!
And I know that the massage is effective because I just pee and poo non stop each time after they massage me.

Super happy and satisfied! And I still have 5 more session to go and I'm so looking forward to the end result!!!


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feedback about my experience with this Mdm Nani, hired her 2 years ago for post natal massage thru recommendation.
She asked me to sign a 28 sessions package with her so as a first time I thought it's required and a must to do so.

For the first few treatments she was ok v talkative n gossipy.. then towards the end of my package, she started to MIA. And hardly free to arrange for massage. I last heard from her was she said she's heading Paris holiday. Ever since she has never bother to contact and ask me about the remaining sessions.
I left about 4 sessions with her.

Following two years later, I msged her again saying to book for new baby post natal massage.. she replied me and didn't mention about the sessions she owed me. I brought it up to her and she said she will finish it up for me providing I were to sign another 8 sessions with her as her min package is 12sessions.

I didn't feel like signing up with her so I told her I see about it after she finishes my 4 owed sessions. She replied ok.
It's been more then a month since I gave birth, she did contact me asking me my situation mine is c section.

But then ever since 1 phone call from her, she didn't bother contact too.
I msged her again asking for refund instead ,she rejected and said will finish up the 4 sessions. I told her to arrange the sessions next week but she said she will
Let me know.
I know she has no intentions of doing.
My friend did the sessions with her too and also the same situation.
She left two sessions with naini too and she never do or refund her.
I personally feel such work ethic from her is unacceptable. Asking ppl to sign so many sessions end up left a few and mia.
1 sessions cost 78 dollars !

Try ms Yati recommended by one of the mummimies her. Her price is afordable too
But i havr tnot tried her massage yet.
Please beware of Yati (putera and puteri Jamu massage, HP# 9231 7878) she recommended me to sign a package for 10 sessions( I made payment to her by Paynow SGD888) then she came for 3 sessions only, she gave many reason to cancel my following appointment with her. ( I personally think that she maybe feel my place is too far and don't want to come), then please don't ask me to sign package!! She suggested to refund me the balance by Nov-19, yet I have not received any of refund, she is now not contactable. She acted very nice and friendly when first meeting you. Don't take risk like me to sign a package with her. Hope the victim is only me.
