Recent content by Ktiannie

  1. K

    Phonics Class

    Hi Mummy, would like to know have this contacts too! (:
  2. K

    Phonics Class

    Hi Mummy, can share with me the contact too?
  3. K

    Enrichment classes @ Sengkang/Punggol

    Hello Mummies!!! Any recommendation on Enrichment classes at Sengkang or Punggol? Mind sharing with your experience too?
  4. K

    Feb 2019 Mummies

    Any WhatsApp group to join for Feb 2019 Mummies?
  5. K

    March 2019 Mummies

    Hello there! Tiannie here, just pm-ed you, but not sure if it went through. Please add me into the group. HP: 90262440. Thank you in advance! ;)
