Recent content by pinkiepenguin

  1. P

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Anyone heard of Neumind School? Good or not? Thinking of sending my boy there. How about Learning Vision or Learning Horizon at Grassroots Club? So many schools !! HELP
  2. P

    2010 Current Confinement Rates

    For CL, it is really your luck. Mine was horrible. All she cares about is how much she can eat in the kitchen. She loves to stay in the kitchen and can be there for most of the time. When the baby cries, she will just look at me hoping that I will go attend to the baby. She even proposed...
  3. P

    BP Shopper

    hi vivien, har?? where got shiok? i think i still prefer him to be below 6 months old. now he everything also wan to touch, everything also wan to play. really faint ah.. but one thing good is that he seems to understand those things that i told him. he talks quite a lot also. quite fun to...
  4. P

    BP Shopper

    My boy is 21 months old already. getting more & more mischevious. so difficult to handle him nowadays. i also check out the tutu skirt. so pretty. asked my boy if he wants to try and he says yes. ha ha ha [IMG=] think his...
  5. P

    BP Shopper

    thinking of what to buy for your princess, can go to mini princess shop. their stuff very pink pink and very sweet. they have very nice dresses too. [IMG=] mine is a boy so yet to be able to patronise them but my boy loves to go...
  6. P

    BP Shopper

    new member here [IMG=] hope that you all will welcome me. [IMG=]
