Recent content by cladi

  1. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    haha.. jy ah.. i chose here cos my pil opp only.. at coral spring.. all stay near by.. got more help with kids ma..
  2. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    babycupid> #3 otw??? I m oso bf-ing my #3 now she is coming 8mo le.. Pump during work time.. nite latch.
  3. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    whahaha NP.. i going home now.. will SEE again.. to cfm n cfm.. kee
  4. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    yes.. the mall has a cinema. I pass by daily.. didn c the store open wo.
  5. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    the mall sld b ready in 2014 3-4qtr.. then new ntuc at 447 is not open yet.
  6. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    i thk sk green not likely to ballot ba.. we r goin to register next yr le wo.. but come to thk.. by then.. most of those bto flat ard the sch is ready .. more ppl moved in.. so hard to say hor
  7. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    Put one mth deposit now for next yr admission is std procedures ah?? last time i reserve for my 2nd.. no need wo.. i tot sibling reservation.. since one child in the sch liao.. no need so huge deposit ba.. I oso thkin SK green or Nan chaiu.. hee..
  8. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    haha.. can go ask la.. no harm ma.. but hor.. this moriah is asking for one mth b4 subsi fee as deposit.. not sure other sch.. which pri u targeting.. our boy same age wo.. hee
  9. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    who is vwo ah?? the upcoming provider.. bbcupid> u better start q.. my gfS in fv already went pcf at 441 get form to fill on mon. q for next yr admission.
  10. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    they r like increasing every yr on new intake only la.. like my elder one join in 2009.. start at $450 per mth.. will stay on tat rate til k2 lo.. teacher not bad.. very willing to share with us how r the kids doing in school. And if i got any concern.. i can tok to them oso.. sch work...
  11. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    Moriah.. now i pay $450 for my elder in K1 n $500 for my sec one in nursery..(After subsidy) m reserving place for my ger next yr admission.. was told will b $600 next yr (after subsi)
  12. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    There is a FB grp for lil fernies playdate.. if u ladies interested to join us.. do give me your email. I add u into the grp k
  13. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    how much r u paying at ichiban now?? how old is ur ger??
  14. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    is tat cc gd?? my elder boy oso k1.. in moriah this yr.. qiqi.. which cc does ur boy goes??
  15. C

    Mummies staying at Fernvale

    where is ur ger going?? which cc
